These forms are only available to centers that have our Accounting add-on. To learn more about this product, see the What is Parachute? article.
Form W-10 - This generates a W-10 form that can be printed or emailed to guardians. Choose all guardians or select a specific guardian when generating this report. Guardian name, center details, and total amount paid by guardian will automatically generate on these W-10s.
Other Income - This report will list all other income entered for the selected time frame.
Statement of Accounts - This report can be pulled for all payers, multiple players, or one specific payer. It generates a list of all invoices, whether the invoices has been paid, and the running total of invoiced vs paid for the date range selected. You can view this report on screen, or choose to download it as a pdf.
Statement of Itemized Payments - This report can be pulled for all payers, multiple payers, or one specific payer. It generates all payments/credits applied to their account, invoice details, and payment types.