As a sponsor, you have the ability to pull most reports for one single site, multiple sites, or all sites at once.
Rate Summary - If you are in a state that requires you to calculate blended rates, this report will show you each site, the last time the blended rates were calculated, and what the enrollment percentages were the month you calculated last.
Claims List Export - This is a customizable report option. Use the filters to narrow down which centers you want on the report, as well as which fields you want to see on the report. This report will always export in an excel/csv format.
12 Month Claim Summary - Select the year you want to review, and this repot will give you a claim summary for one or all sites for the entire year selected. If you select All Active Centers, it will give a monthly total of all centers claims combined.
Monthly Milk Audit Summary - This report can be pulled for any custom date range for one or multiple sites. For the time frame selected, it will show the total required, purchased, and ending balance for each milk type.
Daily Milk Audit - This report has the same information as the Monthly Milk Audit Summary, but breaks it down by day instead of monthly totals.
Office Error Report - This report generates a claim summary showing meals claimed vs disallowed, claim reimbursement total, and any errors that were found on the claim for the month selected.
Center Error Letter - This is a letter that can be sent to your sites explaining what their claim total reimbursement is, how much is being disallowed, and the reasons why. If you are an unaffiliates sponsor, this is a good report to pull each month and send to your sites to they know what to expect when they get their reimbursement payment.
Claims Roster - This report will generate a roster of claimed children for the month selected. It will not include any children that were enrolled but not in attendance for the selected month, only children that were claimed.