Add Foods
We have complied a list of CACFP resources for food buying and crediting in the CACP. Click here to view the Food Buying Guide.
To add a new food:
From the menu to the left, click Foods.
Click Food List. The Food List page opens.
Click New Food.
In the Display section:
Click the Category drop-down menu and select the category in which to list this food.
Click the Name box and enter a name for this food.
Click the Spanish Name box and enter the Spanish name for this food (optional).
Click the Food Type drop-down menu and select the type of food this is.
If you select Vegetables or Fruit in Step 6.d, the Juice slider displays. If this is a fruit or vegetable juice, click
to set it to Yes.
In the Nutritional Information section, click
next to each nutritional marker that applies to this food:
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Whole Grain-Rich
Note: If you set Whole Grain-Rich to Yes, the food defaults to whole grain-rich when centers add the food to their menus.
High Fat
High Salt
In the Food Quantity Group section:
If you are entering a Bread/Alt or Infant Cereal:
Click the Grains Group drop-down menu and select the Exhibit A grains group to which this item belongs. You can view Exhibit A here. Note that if you are updating an Infant Cereal, this drop-down menu is locked to Group I (ready-to-eat cereals).
Click the Serving Size box and enter the standard serving size for this item. For example, if you are updating Brand B bread and the nutrition label says that one serving is one slice, you would type 1 in this box.
Click the corresponding drop-down menu and select the serving unit. Following our example, you would select slice. You can also click
and enter a custom unit.
Click the Serving Weight box and enter the serving weight from the nutrition label in grams or ounces. Then, click the corresponding drop-down menu and select grams (g) or ounces (oz). In our example, a serving of Bread A weighs 45g, so we enter 45 and select grams (g). Once you enter this information, the 1 Serving = box displays and shows the amount of ounce equivalents in one serving of this item.
to lock this calculation and prevent sites from overriding it on the Daily Menu page in KidKare, if needed. Click
to unlock it again.
If you are entering any other component: Click each drop-down menu and specify how the food should be measured for Non-Infants and Infants. You can also click
to view measurements by age group. Your selection in this box affects the unit of measure used on the Menu Production Record when calculating the quantities needed. For more information about the Menu Production Record, see Center Sponsors: Print the Menu Production Record.
For any foods that are considered raw leafy greens, select the Raw Leafy Greens - c food quantity to ensure the proper amount is calculated since you are required to serve double the amount when serving raw leafy greens.
In the Approvals section:
next to each meal for which this food is approved.
Click the Non-Infant, Infant 6-11, and Infant 0-5 drop-down menus and select Allow, Disallow, or Warn.
In the Effective Dates section:
If this food is only approved starting on a specific date, click the Start box and enter a start date for the food. If you want this food to be available immediately, do not add a start date.
If this food is only approved for a limited time, click the End box and enter an end date for the food. If you enter a date in this box, the food will not be available once the end date is reached.
Click Save.
Add CN Label Numbers to Foods
When adding foods to your food list, you can include the CN label number somewhere in the food name. This lets the State and your sites know that the food is a CN-labeled product being offered at meal service. The CN label details should be stored on-location. If you choose to include these label numbers, develop a naming convention that you use consistently across the board. Consistency makes it easier to track these foods.
The figure below show what this might look like in KidKare. The number after the dash is the CN label number.
Edit Foods
To edit an existing food on your food list:
From the menu to the left, click Foods.
Click Food List. The Food List page opens.
Locate the food to change. You can filter the displayed list, as needed.
Click Infant Cereal, Milk, Meat/Alt, Bread/Alt, Vegetables, and/or Fruit to filter to specific food types.
Click the Name box and begin typing a food name to filter the food list.
Click the Category drop-down menu and select the category to which to filter.
Click the Name, Category, Food Type, Start, or End columns to sort information in ascending or descending order.
and select Yes to include expired foods, or select No to exclude expired foods.
Click the food to change. The Edit Food page opens.
Change the food, as needed.
Note: Do NOT add a Start date to existing foods. Adding a start date to an existing food removes the food fro your list until the start date is reached. You should only use start dates on new foods.
When finished, click Save.
Remove Foods
To remove foods from your list:
From the menu to the left, click Foods.
Click Food List. The Food List page opens.
Locate the food to remove. You can filter the displayed list, as needed.
Click Infant Cereal, Milk, Meat/Alt, Bread/Alt, Vegetables, and/or Fruit to filter to specific food types.
Click the Name box and begin typing a food name to filter the food list.
Click the Category drop-down menu and select the category to which to filter.
Click the Name, Category, Food Type, Start, or End columns to sort information in ascending or descending order.
Click the food to remove. The Edit Food page opens.
In the Effective Dates section, click the End box and enter an end date. This should be the last day that the food is available to centers.
Click Save.