Manage Check Format

To set up your account to print checks:

  1. From the menu to the left, click Administration.

  2. Select Manage Check Format. The Manage Check Format page opens.

  3. Click the Location of Check VS Check Stub(s) drop-down menu and choose from the following:

    • Top Third

    • Middle Third

    • Bottom Third

  4. In the Not a Check and Check Format sections, drag and drop each field to match the format of the checks you already have.

  5. When finished, click Save.

  6. Click Print Test Check. We recommend you print the first few tests to plain white paper and compare them to an actual check.

To have a signature print on checks automatically:

  1. Place a blank white piece of paper on top of an actual check and sign the paper in the exact same place as you would on the check. Use a dark, felt-tip pen, and ensure your signature size is the same as it would be on an actual check.

  2. Scan the image and email it to