Edit Child Information as a Sponsor
As a sponsor you have access to review and edit child information whether you are updating a guardian email address, adding a new allergy, or updating enrollment information. Note that at Step 6, these are the same steps a center would follow to edit child information.
From the menu to the left, click Children.
Click Manage Child Information.
In the top right corner, select the Center for the child that needs to be updated.
Use the filters to narrow down your search.
Choose whether this participant is Active, Pending, or Withdrawn.
If you choose Withdrawn, you must enter a date into the After date field. This is to search for all children withdrawn after the date you select.
Use the Select a Child drop down to choose the child to edit.
From this screen, use the orange Edit buttons to edit the child information.
Click Save.
Change Child Status to Pending
When a participant is missing enrollment, income eligibility, or any other required information, sponsors have the ability to put them back into a Pending status. When a child is in pending status, it will alert the sponsor on the claim that there are children that are pending and may need information updated prior to processing the claim.
From the menu to the left, click Children.
Click Manage Child Information.
Select the Center the participant attends in the top right corner of the page.
Choose the participant needing to be moved to Pending Status.
In the top left section of the child information screen, click the orange Make Pending button.
Click Yes to confirm status change.
When a participant is ready to be made Active again, repeat this step by using the green Activate button or see Activate Pending Participants.
How to Withdraw Children
When a child leaves a child care center, they should be withdrawn from the program. Withdrawing a child removes them from future rosters. However, you can still access a withdrawn child's information and claim history.
From the menu to the left, click Activate Children.
Use the Find Records section to filter the records that display.
Choose whether to activate children for All Active Centers or the Selected Center. If you choose the Selected Center option, click the Select Center drop-down menu at the top of this page and select the center.
Click the Exclude Children if Enrollment Finalized drop-down menu, select Before or After, and then select a date in the corresponding date field.
Click Go to apply your filters.
Check the box next to the child(ren) to withdraw.
Click Withdraw.
At the Are You Sure prompt, click Yes.
Mark Infants as Developmentally Ready
The day an infant becomes developmentally ready for solid foods, it should be entered into KidKare in order to ensure the infant is fed the proper components based on the USDA meal pattern. The center can add this date if they have permissions to edit child information. This can also be added at the sponsor level.
To add the Developmentally Ready For Solid Foods date for an infant:
From the menu to the left, click on Children and then Manage Child Information.
Select the center the infant attends in the drop down at the top of the screen.
Select the infants name in the child drop down. The Child Information screen loads.
In the bottom half of the page, click on the Allergies/Conditions tab.
Click the orange
Enter the date the infant started eating solid foods in the fields labeled Developmentally Ready For Solid Foods.
Click Save.
The Developmentally Ready date can also be entered when enrolling new infants that are already eating solid foods. The date field can be found under the Special section on the first page of child enrollment.
Sponsor Preferences for Developmentally Ready Foods
Policy M.19 can be set to Ignore, Warn or Disallow if and infant is marked as developmentally ready for solid foods, but not enough components were served in a meal. This policy follows the USDA meal pattern for infants.
When set to Disallow, an infant who was marked developmentally ready was not served solid foods, Error 111 appears on the Office Error report. Meals are checked starting from the first day the infant was marked developmentally ready at a meal in KidKare. This error will disallow meals by child based on the criteria below:
If a child is marked as developmentally ready and they are 6 months or older, the sponsor will see a disallow error on the claim if the child is not served the required 3 components based on the USDA meal patterns.
Manage Allergies/Conditions
Indicate any known allergies or conditions in the Allergies/Conditions tab on the View Participant page. This is especially important if the participant requires any substitutions at meal time.
From the menu to the left, click Children.
Click Manage Child Information.
In the top right, select the center of the child you are updating.
Use the filters and choose the child name in the drop down. The Manage Child Information screen pops up.
Click the Allergies/Conditions tab at the bottom of the window.
Click Edit.
next to Special Diet if the participant has a special diet. If you set this to Yes:
The Milk Allergy option displays. Click
to indicate that the participant has a milk allergy and does not drink Whole or 1%/Skim milk. You must have a doctor's statement on file. Two New fields will appear.
Select who provides the alternative milk option for this participant.
Select Substitute milk if this participant drinks substitute milk purchased and provided by the center.
Select Parent Provided if the parent or guardian provides the milk substitute. This is the option you will select if participants are restricted to water as well.
Select the Effective Date for this allergy. What day did you start serving substitute milk or parent provided milk to this participant instead of Whole or 1%/Skim?
Select the Expiration Date for this allergy. If the participant grows out of their allergy or starts drinking regular milk again, enter the last day they were drinking substitute milk in this field in order to ensure milk audit accuracy.
The Diet Statement on File option displays. Click
to indicate that you have a diet statement on file. Then, click the Expiration box and select the date the statement expires.
The Special Diet Notes box displays. Click this box and enter any notes about the participant's special diet.
next to Special Needs if the participant has special needs. If you set this to yes, the Statement on File option displays. Click
to indicate that you have a doctor's statement on file.
Click Add Condition to list allergies and/or medical conditions.
Click the drop-down menu and select Allergy or Medical Condition.
Click the corresponding text box and enter a description of the allergy/description.
Click Add Condition to add another line. Click
next to a line to remove it.
Click Save.
Pulling A Child Allergy Report
To pull a list of all participant allergies, follow the steps below.
From the menu to the left, click on Reports.
Select the category Children.
Select the report Child List Export.
The Filter for Center(s) box pops up. Click Search.
A list of active centers generates. Select the centers you want included in the report.
In the Child Export Filter, no changes need to be made in this section.
Scroll down to the Select Fields(s) to Export and select the following boxes:
Special Diet (Sp Diet, Statement, Statement of File)
Special Needs (Sp Needs, Statement on File)
Click Export.
The report generates as an excel file with all of the data requested.