Processing Claims

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In This Article

Once a site submits a claim, process it in KidKare. When a claim is processed, KidKare looks at the data entered into the program and ensures that it meets CACFP requirements.


Before You Begin

Before you begin processing claims, make sure that:

  • Center data is accurate.

  • Pending children have been activated (if the signed enrollment form has been received).

  • Site visits/reviews have been entered (if applicable).

  • Receipts have been entered (if applicable).

  • School out days have been entered on the school calendar (if applicable).

It is okay if these tasks are not complete by processing time, as errors display for any disallowances once the claim is processed. However, you will save time by ensuring that all data is entered and accurate before you process claims.


Processing Claims

  1. From the menu to the left, click Claims and select Process Claims. The Process Claims page opens. If you do not operate in multiple states, go to Step 3.

  2. Click the State drop-down menu and select the state for which to process claims. You can select multiple states, or you can select All.

  3. Click the Claim Month drop-down menu and select the correct claim month.

  4. Click the Processing Actions drop-down menu and select Process New Claims.

  5. Clear the box next to each claim you do not need to process. All claims are selected by default.

  6. Click Process. or, to print the OER, click the down arrow next to Process and select Process and Print OER.


Review Errors

Review each error on the OER. Each error results either in an Allow/Warn or Disallow message. Errors resulting in a disallowance are deducted from the reimbursement. Errors resulting in a warning are notification messages that do not deduct from the reimbursement but need to be researched. If there are no claim errors, a Congratulations message displays. 

You can correct some errors and re-process the claim.


Re-processing Claims

Re-processing claims is sometimes necessary if you process a claim, but some piece of information was incorrect when the claim was processed initially.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Claims and select Process Claims. The Process Claims page opens. If you do not operate in multiple states, go to Step 3.

  2. Click the State drop-down menu and select the state for which to process claims. You can select multiple states, or you can select All.

  3. Click the Claim Month drop-down menu and select the correct claim month.

  4. Click the Processing Actions drop-down menu and select Reprocess Existing Claims.

  5. Click Process. or, to print the OER, click the down arrow next to Process and select Process and Print OER.

You can also re-process claims from the Claim Details page. Some errors may be legitimate and should cause a disallowance. For example, Error 31 (Child served more than 2 meals and a snack or 2 snacks and a meal) is generated for children claimed over two (2) snacks and one (1) meal or two (2) meals and one (1) snack. The software automatically disallows the extra meals/snacks. This is a legitimate error and should be left as-is. In this example, move to the next error.

Print the Office Error Report

You can view and print the Office Error Report (OER) from the Reports page or the Claim Details page once you’ve processed claims.

Printing the OER from the Reports Menu

  1. From the menu to the left, click Reports.

  2. Click the Select a Category drop-down menu and select Claims.

  3. Click the Select a Report drop-down menu and select Office Error Report.

  4. Click the Month box and select the month for which to print the report.

  5. Click the Select Center drop-down menu and select the center for which to print the OER. You can also select All Active Centers to print the OER for all currently active centers.

  6. Click Run. The OER downloads as a PDF.

Printing the OER from the Claim Details Page

  1. From the menu to the left, click Claims.

  2. Select List Claims. The View Claims page opens.

  3. Set filters for the claims to view:

    1. Select the All Centers option or the Selected Center option. If you choose Selected Center, you must select a center at the top of the page.

    2. If you operate in multiple states, click the State drop-down menu and select the state(s) to view. You can also select All States.

    3. Click the Claim Month drop-down menu and select the claim month to view. You can also select All Months.

  4. Click Go.

  5. Click the link in the Month column to open the Claim Details page for the claim to view.

  6. Click the Claim Actions drop-down menu and select Office Error Report. The OER downloads as a PDF.