Reporting - eForms

Print Completed eForms Records

Completed eForms are stored within KidKare. You can retrieve and print these forms, as needed. However, we do recommend that you simply store a digital copy, if needed. Remember, you can retrieve these forms from KidKare at any time.

  1. From the menu to the left, click eForms and then select Reporting -eForms. The Reporting page opens. You can also access this page from the Approve & Renew page. To do so, click View Reports.

  2. In the Show Records For section, set filters for the forms to view.

    1. Select Enrollment or Re Enrollment.

    2. Select the form type. You can choose from EFIEF, or All Form Types.

    3. Select the center(s) to view. You can select as many centers, as needed, or you can select All Centers.

    4. Select the date range to view. You can select Current YearPrevious Year, or Custom Date. If you select Custom Date, use the From/To boxes to set a date range.

  3. Click Run. Reports meeting the limits you set display.

  4. To download an individual form, click View Form. A PDF downloads. You can then print this PDF, as needed.

  5. To print multiple forms at once:

    1. Check the box next to each form to print.

    2. Click Combine & Print Forms. The forms you selected download.