Customize your KidKare experience on the Settings page. Here, you can change your language settings, specify what page displays when you log in, and specify what participants in your program are called throughout the application.
Log in to KidKare.
from the menu to the left. The Settings page opens.
General Settings
In the General Settings section, you can:
Click the Would you like to required center staff to certify the accuracy of attendance when saving Attendance & Meal Counts in KidKare? to add a pop up after they save meals and attendance to confirm their entries are true to the best of their knowledge.
Click the Do you want to remind users (Daily Menu/Menu Calendar User Interface) if the actual quantities served are less than the required quantities? to trigger a visual alert for your users. (This only applies if policy M. 01 is set to Yes)
Click Edit Welcome Letter Template to edit the email that your center directors receive when you create their new KidKare account.
eForms Settings
In the eForms Settings section, click next to each option to enable it or select an action item in the drop down provided. You can change settings for the following:
Who can approve enrollment forms? Site, Sponsor, or Both.
Who can approve income eligibility forms? Site, Sponsor or Both.
Who can send new enrollment requests? Site, Sponsor, Both.
If a parent completes infant feeding details do you want to indicate that the infant form is on file for the child?
If a parent indicates they participate in SNAP, would you like to require them to provide their SNAP number for validation?
Would you like to require SNAP/TANF number validation for parents to submit their forms?
Would you like to disallow or warn the parent of incorrect formatting?
Would you like to hide the "Open Online Forms" button?
Center Access to KidKare features
In the Center Access section, click next to each option to enable it. You can change settings for the following:
Food Program
Are your centers just getting started in KidKare? Send them our KidKare Features for Sponsored Centers cheat sheet! This document lists the features available to sponsored centers and provides to useful documentation from the KidKare help site.
Require Centers to Certify Attendance Records
Some states require attendance records to be certified and signed by center staff. You can toggle this requirement on for your centers in KidKare. When you enable this requirement, your centers will be prompted to acknowledge and sign their attendance records upon saving attendance in KidKare. The electronic signature will appear at the bottom of the Weekly + Attendance Report and consist of the teacher name (first and last) of the last record where the user certified attendance for the classroom for the day, as well as the date and time of the last certification for the classroom for the day.
To enable this requirement:
- Click
. The Settings page opens.
- In the General Settings section, click
next to Would you like to require center staff to certify the accuracy of attendance when saving Attendance & Meal Counts in KidKare. Your changes are saved automatically.
When your centers record attendance and meal counts in KidKare and click Save, the following pop-up displays:
The electronic signature will appear at the bottom of the Weekly + Attendance Report, as shown below.