Analyze Claim Capacity

When you receive Over Capacity error messages on the Office Error report, use the Analyze Claim Capacity function to generate a report that provides specific guidance as to why a particular was over capacity.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Claims then select Analyze Claim Capacity. The Analyze Claim Capacity window opens.

  2. Click the Select Claim Month drop-down menu and select the claim month to analyze.

  3. Click Refresh Provider List.

  4. Click the Select Provider drop-down menu and select the provider to analyze.

  5. In the Enter Date Range to Print section, select the date range to analyze. Reference the Office Error report for this date range.

  6. Click Analyze. The Claim Capacity analyses in the background.

  7. You receive a pop up that lets you know the Disallow Analysis is Complete.  Click Close.

  8. To review the Claim Capacity Analysis, click the blue button to the left of the Analyze button.

  • If no capacity errors are found, you will not be able to click the Print button.  It will be greyed out until you run the analysis for a claim with capacity errors. 

  • If capacity errors are found, you are prompted to print the Claim Capacity Analysis report as shown in the image above. This report lists each day, meal, and serving where an over-capacity error was generated. It notes the counts of children allowed (by age group, if relevant to your state) and the counts of children who were actually present in these categories. It also includes special information that may be specific to your state.

We also recommend that you print a CIF and the Claimed Foods & Attendance report for the day in question.