Billing Summary - The Billing Details report lists your monthly invoice details by site. You can run this report in KidKare for the current or previous months as you are billed.
Note: Users must have full or view access for the Manage Systems Settings permission to view this report. For more information about setting permissions, see Users/Monitors.
To generate this report:
From the menu to the left, click Report. Select Billing and then Billing Summary.
and select the month for which to print the report.
Note: You cannot select future months.
Click Go. The report is generated.
Click Export to export the report to a spreadsheet (XLSX) file.
Review the Billing Details Report
Once you generate and/or export the Billing Details report, compare the sites listed here to the number of sites for which you were billed on your invoice. Most questions we receive stem from questions of provider status and claiming. Remember: HX billing only looks for an Active provider status and recorded attendance or meal counts captured during the billing period.
Look for Status Changes Made During the Billing Period
First, review the status data on the Billing Details report. This information is captured in the following columns:
Old Provider Status Code
New Provider Status Code
Date of Status Change
These columns will tell you if a provider’s status was changed at any point during the billing period. If a provider’s status was changed multiple times, the most recent change is documented here, and the Date of Status Change column provides the date said change was made. If no status changes were made during the billing period, No Status Change This Month displays in the Date of Status Change column.
Let’s look at an example:
Provider Mary was at Active Status for April 1 - April 15. She recorded meals and attendance during this time, but did not submit a claim. She let you know she would not be open for the remainder of April and May, so you place her in Hold status on April 16.
Because Mary was Active and recorded attendance and meals for the first two weeks of the billing period (April), you are billed for her on your May 1 invoice.
The Billing Details report shows the following information for Mary:
Old Provider Status Code: Active
New Provider Status Code: Hold
Date of Status Change: 4/16/2020
Mary remains at Hold status for the entirety of May. She may record attendance or meals here and there, but you do not update her status. Because she is not at Active status during May, you are not billed for her on your June 1 invoice. The Billing Details shows the following information for Mary for June billing:
Old Provider Status Code: Hold
New Provider Status Code: Hold
Date of Status Change: No Status Change This Month
Review Activity Dates
As you review provider status changes, you should also review activity dates for providers you are questioning. This information is captured in the following columns:
Date of Activity
Claim Month of Activity
Remember, the billing period is the month prior to your invoice date. So, if a provider is at Active status and has no activity, they should not have been billed. Alternately, you may see activity in this column for providers at Pending or Hold status. As long as these providers were not active at any time during the month, you should not have been billed for them.