The following Claim Data reports are available. This list is not comprehensive. To access these reports, click the Reports menu, select Claim Data, and then select the appropriate report.
5 Day Attendance Report: This report provides a chart of each child claimed over any five-day period.
Duplicate Children Claimed: This report lists all children who are enrolled/claimed by two different providers. This is a basic integrity check since federal regulations stipulate that no child can be paid for more than two meals and one snack or two snacks and one meal per day, regardless of whether they are in two different homes. This report identifies possible matches based on last name and birth date and definite matches based on first names. It checks enrollment records first, then meal and attendance data. Note that the complete analysis cannot be done for manually entered claims.
Food and Vitamin Analysis: This report lists all foods served and the number of times each food was served for a specific provider in a specific month. It also counts the number of times foods high in Vitamin C, A, or Iron were served. It also includes high fat and high salt foods. This report helps you complete nutrition education and training efforts focused on specific vitamin needs.
Food and Vitamin Analysis By Meal: This report is similar to the Food and Vitamin Analysis report, except food is broken down by meal service.
Food and Vitamin Analysis Summary: This report provides a picture of your agency-wide nutrition patterns, broken down by meal. This is also a great way to evaluate the effectiveness of your nutrition education efforts.
Claimed Attendance Detail: The Claimed Attendance Detail report lists meals for which each child on a specific claim were claimed. It is organized by child.
Claimed Attendance Detail by Child: This is the same report as the Claimed Attendance Detail report. However, only one child is listed per page. This report is useful for verifying attendance.
Claimed Attendance Summary Report: This report shows counts for the number of children the provider attempted to claim but were not necessarily reimbursed. This is effectively pre-processed claim data. Use the Meal Totals report for post-processed claim counts.
Claimed Foods and Attendance Report: This report lists each meal claimed by a provider in chronological order. It includes foods and children claimed. This is a useful tool for researching claim errors—especially capacity errors.
Claimed Foods & Attendance with Tier - This report is the same as the Claimed Foods & Attendance report, only it also includes the Tier at which children were reimbursed. This is especially useful during audits and state reviews, as you can use it to report back on Mixed Tier claims.
Food Served by Week Report - This report also prints a list of all foods served by a provider in a given month, but in an alternate format.
Foods Served Report: This report prints a list of all foods served by a provider in a given month.
Frequently Served Foods Letter: This letter shows this same information, but is formatted to show one provider per page and includes some introductory text so you can mail it to the provider. This analysis can only be done on claims that are submitted via KidKare.
Frequently Served Foods Report - This report identifies all providers who are claiming the same food more than twice in a given week. It notes the specific foods being claimed and the frequency with which they are claimed.
Fruit/Vegetable Analysis - This report lists all providers who have claimed fewer than two fruits/vegetables in any week at either Breakfast or Snack. You can change the filtering options to include only certain serving frequencies or certain meal types. This report is required in Florida, as providers will have portions of their claim disallowed if they don't serve enough fruits/vegetables. It lists each problem week and notes the number of times the given meal was served within a week. If you see a 10 for a given week of snacks where the provider served fruits/vegetables one time in the week, this provider is probably serving both AM Snack and PM Snack all five days in the week. Only one of those snacks ws a fruit/vegetable served. This analysis can only be done on claims submitted via KidKare or on Full Bubble Menus.
In/Out Child Attendance Report: This report lists all daily in/out records for a given provider. It can print all of the data as-entered, or you can limit it to show only those in/out records where there is no in/out data for a day where meals are claimed, or where no out time was ever supplied by the provider.
In/Out Child Attendance Report By Child: This is the same as the In/Out Child Attendance report, but it prints one child per-page. You can use this report to conduct parent audits.
Locally Produced Report: If a meal component is marked as locally produced on the Enter Meal screen, the food component and the produced location selected will show up on this report. Note that components only show up on this report if attendance was marked for the day.
Provider Menu Comments Report: Providers who use KidKare can document comments/additional foods/miscellaneous information when they record their meals. You can use this report to review all of those special comments.
Claim Error Report - This generates the Office Error report (OER) and/or the Provider Error Letter.
Claim Error Report — Long Version - This generates the long version of the OER and/or Provider Error Letter.
Provider Daily Meal Count Report: This report provides meal count totals by meal for each of your providers for a selected date range. It also totals all meal counts for each, individual provider, as well as provides an overall total for all providers.
Meal Totals Report: This report provides a day-by-day, meal-by-meal view of approved meal counts by Tier.