Claim Error Codes and Descriptions

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In This Article

Error Codes 1-33


Error 1:

The Same Food was Served Twice in the Same Meal

This error is generated when a provider has recorded the same food as two different meal components. For example, a provider may have recorded baked beans as a Meat/Alternate and as a Vegetable. This disallows one of the two identical food components, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. It may or may not disallow a Snack.

Error 2

Inappropriate Food Combinations were Served in the Same Meal

This error is generated when a provider records foods that violate food combination rules you set up. For example, you set up a rule that carrot juice cannot be served with carrots because the two items are too similar. A provider serves these two foods together, and this error is generated on the OER. 

This error will warn or disallow one of the two similar food components, which warns or disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not warn or disallow a snack. The food combination rules you set up determine whether this is a warning or a disallowance. For more information about setting up food combination rules, see Food Rules.

Error 3

The Food Served is not Recommended for Children of the Given Age Group

When you set up foods in Minute Menu HX, you can indicate which foods are not appropriate for children under 1 year old. You can also indicate which foods are for infants, specifically. We can configure these foods so the system warns or disallows the given food if it is served to a child in the wrong age group. 

This error is generated when providers serve a food that is allowable for a child in a given age group, but is not recommended. It does not disallow the food component or the meal.

Contact Minute Menu Support if you need to change the way your agency handles this particular error for any given food.

Error 4

The Food Cannot be Served at the Given Meal

When setting up foods in Minute Menu HX, you can indicate that certain foods are appropriate for certain meals only. For example, you can indicate that cereal is appropriate only for Breakfast and Snacks. This error is generated when one of those foods is served at a meal for which it is not approved. It disallows the given food component for the meal, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack.

Contact Minute Menu Support if you need to change the way your agency handles this particular error for any given food.

For more information about setting up Foods, see Foods.

Error 5

The Food is Not Approved as Given Meal Component

This error is generated if the provider claimed a food as a particular type of food, but the food is set up as a different type of food. For example, a provider may have claimed a food as a Meat/Alternate, but the food is set up as a Bread/Alternate. This disallows the given food component(s) from the meal, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack.

Contact Minute Menu Support if you need to change the way your agency handles this particular error for any given food.

Error 6

The Food Cannot be Served to Children of the Given Age

This error is exactly like Error 3, except that it does disallow the given food (rather than just noting it is not recommended). This disallows the given food component(s) from the meal, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack.

Contact Minute Menu Support if you need to change the way your agency handles this particular error for any given food.

Error 7

A Meal Component was Missing from the Meal

This error is noted only for meals were all foods are required—including Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, but excluding Snacks and certain infant meals.

This error is relatively straightforward when analyzing Regular Menu scannable forms or KidKare claims for children of all ages. However, you may receive this error on Infant Menu scannable forms even when it appears all meal components have been supplied. In this case, the components were supplied for the wrong age range.

Error 8

A Food Number Supplied on a Scannable Menu is not a Valid Food Number

This error is generated when a given food number marked on the bubble form does not correspond to a food set up in Minute Menu HX. The food number is included with the error, and an asterisk listed here indicates that the particular component of the number (the ones place, tens place, or hundreds place) had two different numbers bubbled in by the Provider.

This error effectively disallows the given food component(s) from the meal, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack.

If you receive this error, print your Food Chart to ensure that the food number the provider marked does not actually exist. If it does exist for some reason, your food database may not be set up properly. If this is the case, contact Support.

You should never see this error on anything but Full Bubble Menu scanned claims, unless you manually document this error in the Manually Enter Claim Errors for Direct-Entry Claims window. If you see this error at any other time, contact Support.

Error 9

At Least Two Valid Foods Must be Served at Snacks

This error is generated when there are not at least two valid foods served with a given Snack. This disallows the snack.

Error 10

Parent Supplied Formula was Served to a Child Whose File Indicates the Provider Supplies Formula

This error is generated when providers serve parent-supplied formula to a child who's file indicates that the child should be served provider-supplied formula. For example, a provider served an infant parent-supplied formula, but the child's file indicates that the child should receive provider-supplied formula/breast milk. It is a warning only. This warning message can be disabled, if needed. This error is the opposite of Error 12.

Minute Menu HX examines the child's enrollment file for the infant formula preference when determining whether a given infant meal has all the required components to warrant reimbursement. This means that meal reimbursement is based on the child's file, regardless of the type of formula the provider notes when filing out claim forms (when marking scannable forms or using KidKare).

You set formula preferences in the Child Information Special tab.

Error 11

A Non-Special Diet Child was Served Special Provision Milk

This error is generated when an infant is served special provision milk, even though that child's file does not indicate that the child is on a special diet. This error is generated as a warning only.

You mark a child as having a special diet in the Child Information Special tab.

Error 12

Provider Supplied Formula was Served to a Child Whose File Indicates the Parent Supplies Formula

This error is generated when providers serve provider-supplied formula to a child who's file indicates that the child should be served parent-supplied formula. For example, a provider served an infant provider-supplied formula, but the child's file indicates that the child should receive parent-supplied breast milk. It is a warning only. This warning message can be disabled, if needed. This error is the opposite of Error 10.

Minute Menu HX examines the child's enrollment file for the infant formula preference when determining whether a given infant meal has all the required components to warrant reimbursement. This means that meal reimbursement is based on the child's file, regardless of the type of formula the provider notes when filing out claim forms (when marking scannable forms or using KidKare).

You set formula preferences in the Child Information Special tab.

Error 13

A Special Diet Child was Served

This error is generated when a child whose file indicates that the child has a special diet is served in a meal. This error is generated as a warning only. You can disable this message for infants, non-infants, or both.

To indicate a child has a special diet, check the Special Diet box in the Child Information Special tab.

Error 16

A Doctor's Statement Has not Been Received for the Special Diet Child(ren) Served During the Month

This error is generated when an infant who is noted as having a special diet is served special provision milk, but you have not indicated that you've received a doctor's statement for the child. This error is either a warning or a disallowance. You can also disable it.

To indicate a child has a special diet, check the Special Diet box in the Child Information Special tab. Then, check the Statement on File box to indicate that you have received a doctor's statement for this child.

Error 17

Snacks Cannot Include only Milk and Juice, Another Food Must Also be Present

This error is generated when the only valid, approved foods at a Snack are milk and juice.

Error 22

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fell After this Provider's CACFP Agreement Expired. Verify Provider's Yearly CACFP Application

Minute Menu HX allows you to store an annual provider contract expiration date for each of your providers. This date is not related to license or tiering, but it is used in some states when provider contract renewals (with their sponsors) are checked regularly.

If you use this feature, enter a date in the Current CACFP Expiration box in the Provider Information General tab. This error is generated if the date entered in this box has passed or if there is no date entered in this box. 

You can configure this error to disallow all meals served on the dates that fall after this date, warn for a period of months and then disallow all meals, or you can disable this error so it is not generated. You can also disable the Current CACFP Expiration box is you do not even store the date in provider files.

Error 23

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall Before this Provider's CACFP Original Start Date

Minute Menu HX stores an original CACFP contract date for all providers. This date displays in the Original CACFP Start Date box in the Provider Information General tab. This error is generated if the date in this box has not yet been reached or if there is no date entered in this box. It disallows all meals on these dates.

Error 24

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall Before this Provider's License Start Date

Minute Menu HX stores child care licensing start and end dates in the Start Date and End Date boxes in the Provider Information Licensing tab. Your state's licensing agency may supply a start date, end date, or neither date. If they are not provided by the state, you must typically enter some kind of value into these boxes, such as 1/1/1950 for a start date and 12/31/2050 for an end date.

This error is generated when the license start date has not yet been reached. You can configure this error to to disallow all meals on days prior to the license start date, or you can configure it to generate a warning. You can also disable this error.

Error 25

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall After this Provider's License End Date. Verify License Re-Application

Minute Menu HX stores child care licensing start and end dates in the Start Date and End Date boxes in the Provider Information Licensing tab. Your state's licensing agency may supply a start date, end date, or neither date. If they are not provided by the state, you must typically enter some kind of value into these boxes, such as 1/1/1950 for a start date and 12/31/2050 for an end date.

This error is generated when the license end date has passed. This error can be configured to disallow all meals served on dates after the license end date, generate a warning for a few months and then disallow meals, or it can be ignored.

Error 26

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall Between Relocation and Relocation Approval Dates

Minute Menu HX can be configured to keep track of providers who move. When this feature is enabled, enter dates in the Date of Move and Approval Date boxes in the Provider Information Contact tab.

Once you enter a date in the Date of Move box, all meals claimed after this date are either disallowed or warned until the date in the Approval Date box is reached. These boxes have no impact on your claim if both boxes are blank, or if both boxes contain dates for months past. 

This error is only generated when processing a claim with meal dates that fall between the Date of Move and the Approval Date.

Error 27

Meals were Claimed on Dates when the Provider was Closed

This error is generated when a provider claims meals on days on which they were closed. This error either disallows all meals for those days or generates a warning.

Providers can enter their operating hours and closure dates in KidKare or on their CIF. Sponsors can also enter this information in the Provider Calendar window in Minute Menu HX or in KidKare.

Error 28

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall After the Provider was Withdrawn

This error is generated for all days claimed after a provider's removal date. This error can disallow or warn all meals claimed on these days.

Error 29

Meals were Claimed on a Holiday

This error is generated when a provider claims a meal on a holiday, and there is no indication that the provider was open on that holiday (per the Provider Calendar). This error disallows, warns, or ignores meals claimed on a holiday (unless you have set the error to allow providers to claim on holidays for which they have indicated they are open). 

Sponsors set up specific holidays in the Sponsor Calendar window. Providers can indicate they are open for business on these holidays in the Provider Calendar in KidKare, or on their monthly CIF (which you, the sponsor, then record in the Provider Calendar in Minute Menu HX).

This edit check can also be performed at the level of individual children.

Error 30

Provider is not Approved to Serve Meals on a Day of the Week when Meals were Served

Minute Menu HX can be configured to allow you to store the days of week on which providers are approved to serve children. This information is stored in the Provider Information Meals tab. This error is generated if the provider claims a meal on a day for which they are not approved to serve children. It can ignore, warn, or disallow meals served on these days.

Error 32

Provider is not Approved to Offer a Particular Meal that was Served

Minute Menu HX can be configured to allow you to store the meals providers are approved to offer to children. This information is stored in the Provider Information Meals tab. Check the box next to each meal to allow in the Meals Allowed section.

This error is generated if a provider claims meals outside of those for which they are approved in the Provider Information Meals tab. It can ignore, warn, or disallow these meals.

Error 33

A Hand-Recorded Food was not Approved

This error is generated if you or your staff disallows a meal hand-written on an Attendance Menu (you mark the appropriate bubble on the form to disallow the meal). This disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack (At least three food components must be disallowed for snacks).

If you see this error on a Full Bubble Menu, it may be that the Full Bubble Menu was scanned using the Attendance Menu scanning option. You must re-scan the claim with the proper scanning option.

Error Codes 34-78


Error 34

A Meal was Rejected as Recorded on the Attendance Form

If you use Direct Entry claims, you can record both attendance and meal disallowances. This error is generated for any meal you disallow on a Direct Entry claim.

If you see this error on a Full Bubble Menu, it may be that the Full Bubble Menu was scanned using the Attendance Menu scanning option. You must re-scan the claim with the proper scanning option.

Error 35

The Planned Menu as Indicated on the Attendance Menu was Rejected

This error is generated if you or your staff specifically disallows a meal by indicating that the Master Menu was invalid on an Attendance Menu (mark the MM bubble in the Disallow column(s) on the form). This error disallows the meal.

If you see this error on a Full Bubble Menu, it may be that the Full Bubble Menu was scanned using the Attendance Menu scanning option. You must re-scan the claim with the proper scanning option.

Error 36

A Meal was Recorded, but no Children were Recorded in Attendance

This error is generated when providers record a meal but do not mark any children in attendance. When this happens, there is little you can do about the situation, as there is no way for you to know what children actually attended the meal. This error is generated to let you and the provider know about the situation, so the provider can correct the issue going forward.

This error should typically only be generated on scanned claims.

Error 37

Child Not Present at Meal Time According to Daily In/Out Times

Some sponsors must obtain daily attendance (in/out times) for all of their children. This error is generated if a child was marked as attending a meal, but the child was not marked as in care while the meal was being served. It can warn or disallow the child for the meal.

Providers can record In/Out times on the Check In/Out page in KidKare or on scannable In/Out forms. 

This error cannot be generated if there are no daily meal times for the meals the provider serves. However, meal times can be pulled from the provider's file if your agency chooses to do so for providers who use scannable forms.

Error 38

The Child was not Yet Enrolled as of Meal Date

This error is generated if a child is claimed prior to the child's enrollment date. This error always disallows the claimed child.

You enter child enrollment dates in the Enrollment Date box in the Child Information Child tab.

Error 39

The Child Not Yet Born as of Meal Date(s)

This error is generated when a child is claimed for a meal prior to the child's date of birth. This error always disallows the child.

Receiving this error typically means that the child's date of birth is incorrect. Verify the child's birth date in the Birth Date box in the Child Information child tab.

Error 40

An Invalid Child Number was Recorded on the Scannable Menu Forms

This error is generated if a provider marks a child number on a scannable form that does not correspond to a child who was actively enrolled with the provider during the claim month. The unknown child is disallowed.

In some cases, this can be caused by smudges on the form. Since the smudges are accidental and the provider won't receive reimbursement for the unknown child anyway, these cases have no effect on the claim's meal counts.

However, in most cases, the children are associated with the meal and attendance records when the forms are processed. If you scan or manually enroll new children after you scan the menu/attendance forms (usually when you re-process the claim), this error will go away. If, for some reason, it does not, and you've verified that the child has been properly enrolled, re-scan the menu/attendance forms.

Error 42

The Special Needs Child is Older than the State's Max Allowable Age for Special Needs Children on the Given Meal Dates

This error is generated for special needs children who are over the state's special needs age limit. Special needs children are typically eligible for Food Program reimbursements at much older ages than non-special needs children. This error does not appear if your state has no age limitation for the reimbursement of special needs children. If you need to change your state's maximum special needs limit (i.e., you don't get this error, but you should get it for children over 18), contact Minute Menu Support.

Error 43

The Child was Claimed After the Child was Withdrawn from Care

This error is generated when a child is claimed after their date of withdrawal. This error disallows the child on all subsequent dates, generates a warning, or is ignored completely.

When providers withdraw children in KidKare or on the CIF (which requires you to withdraw the child), they must enter an effective date of withdrawal. You can find the child's withdrawal date in the Withdrawal Date box in the Child Information Child tab (you may need to filter to include withdrawn children).

Error 44

The Child's Infant Formula Preference Indicates Parent Supplies Formula and Food

Parents can indicate that they will provide formula and food for their infant children on enrollment forms. This error is generated for meals served to 6-11 month-old infants when both formula and food are provided. It is not generated for meals served to 6-11 month-old infants where only formula is served. It is not generated at all for 0-5 month-old infants.

Error 45

Provider is not Active

This error is generated if a provider is not properly activated in Minute Menu HX. It usually appears with a larger number of other errors in the claim. If you see this error, check the provider's file to determine whether they need to be properly activated or fully removed. When finished, re-process the claim.

Error 46

A Pending (or Unknown) Status Child was Claimed

This error is generated when a pending child is claimed. This error always disallows the child.

Children enrolled in KidKare remain at a Pending status until you use the Activate New Children function to activate them. You can also manually set children to Pending if you do not have a valid, signed enrollment form for them. If you receive this error, check the child's status and activate them, if appropriate. Then, re-process the claim.

Error 47

A Child was Recorded on the Wrong Scannable Menu Form (Infant vs Regular Menu)

The Infant Menu is intended for all children under one (1) as of the given meal date. The Regular Menu should be used when recording children ages one (1) and up, as of the given meal date.

This error is generated when a child is recorded incorrectly, based on the child's age. This frequently occurs when an infant turns 1 during a given month, so the provider may mistakenly record the non-infant child on the Infant Menu, as well as offer the wrong meal pattern to the child. Unlike Error 126, this error is always a disallowance. 

Special Diet infants may be claimed on the Regular Menu. If this is the case, this error will not generate. For more information, see Error 145.

Error 48

The Child's File Indicates S/He is not Participating in the CACFP

When children are enrolled, the parent/guardian can indicate that the child in question is not participating in the CACFP. This is usually done by Providers for their own children in certain states. In other states, this can apply to all children—especially to infants whose parents provide both formula and food.

When these children are claimed, the processor notes these non-participating children for capacity purposes only. This means that these children will not be reimbursed as part of the Food Program. This error is generated when this happens. It always disallows the affected children.

If you see this error and you do not deal with the non-participating children in any way, you must check the Participating in CACFP box in the Child Information Child tab for those children.

This error may or may not apply to daycare children, depending on agency preference.

Error 49

Provider's Own Children Cannot be Claimed Unless Provider is Tier 1 Income Eligible

This error is generated if the provider claims their own children and they are not Tier 1 by Income. Own children are only reimbursed at Tier 1 rates when the provider is Tier 1 by Income.

Consult the provider Information Tiering tab to ensure that there are valid Income Eligibility dates recorded (this may be in addition to School or Census Area eligibility for those providers who are School/Census eligible for Tier 1 but are able to claim their own children).

Error 50

A Foster Child was Claimed Outside the Foster Dates

This error is generated when a foster child is claimed outside of the child's foster care dates as noted in the Tier 1 Start/End date boxes in the Child Information Rules tab or if those dates are missing.

A provider's own foster children are always reimbursed at Tier 1 rates, regardless of the provider's tier. Before Minute Menu HX can process foster children properly, you must check the Child is Tier 1 box in the Child Information Rules tab and enter the child's foster care dates in the Tier 1 Start/End dates boxes. These dates are typically based on the foster agreement the provider has with the state for those child.

Error 51

A Tier 1 Child was Claimed Outside the Child's Tier 1 Eligibility Dates. Child will be Claimed as Tier 2

Tier 1 children in Mixed Tier homes must have valid starting and ending eligibility dates to indicate that the child has a valid income eligibility statement on file. You enter these dates in the Tier 1 Start/End Dates boxes in the Child Information Rules tab.

If the child is claimed outside of these dates, the child will be reimbursed at Tier 2 rates.

If a provider is Tier 1, the child's tiering level is not subjected to this edit check.

Error 53

A Saturday Meal was Claimed without Saturday Documentation on File for the Provider

Some states require specific, signed statements from providers that are open on Saturday. To indicate that the provider is open on Saturday and that you have a statement on file, check the Saturday box in the Documentation on File section of the Provider Information Other tab.

This error is generated if a provider serves meal on a Saturday but does not have a statement on file in Minute Menu HX in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows the meals.

Error 54

A Sunday Meal was Claimed without Sunday Documentation on File for the Provider

Some states require specific, signed statements from providers that are open on Sunday. To indicate that the provider is open on Sunday and that you have a statement on file, check the Sunday box in the Documentation on File section of the Provider Information Other tab.

This error is generated if a provider serves meal on a Saturday but does not have a statement on file in Minute Menu HX in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows the meals.

Error 55

A Dinner was Claimed without Dinner Documentation on File for the Provider

Some states require specific, signed statements from providers that serve Dinners. To indicate that the provider serves Dinner and that you have a statement on file, check the Dinner box in the Documentation on File section of the Provider Information Other tab.

This error is generated if a provider serves a Dinner but does not have a statement on file in Minute Menu HX in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows the meals.

Error 56

An EZ Menu was Claimed, but Provider is Not Approved to Serve EZ Menus

This error is generated when a provider attempts to use an EZ Menu and is not approved to do so. This error ignores, warns, or disallows these meals.

EZ Menus are specific scheduled menu plans that sponsors set up for providers. To approve providers to use EZ Menus, check the EZ Menus box in the Provider Information Meals tab.

Error 57

A Sponsor Cycle Menu was Claimed, but Provider is not Approved to Serve Sponsor Cycle Menus

This error is generated when a provider attempts to use a Sponsor Cycle Menu and is not approved to do so. This error ignores, warns, or disallows these meals.

Sponsor Cycle Menus are weekly meal plans that sponsors set up for their providers. To approve providers to use Sponsor Cycle Menus, check the Sponsor Cycle Menus box in the Provider Information Meals tab.

Error 58

A Provider Cycle Menu was Used, but Provider is not Approved to Serve Provider Cycle Menus

This error is generated when a provider attempts to use a Provider Cycle Menu and is not approved to do so. This error ignores, warns, or disallows these meals.

Provider Cycle Menus are weekly meal plans that providers set up for personal use. To approve providers to use Provider Cycle Menus, check the Provider Cycle Menus box in the Provider Information Meals tab.

Error 59

A Master Menu was Used, but Provider is not Approved to Serve Master Menus

This error is generated when a provider attempts to use a Master Menu and is not approved to do so. This error ignores, warns, or disallows these meals.

Master Menus are single menu templates sponsors create for all providers. These menus are not date-specific or day-specific. To approve providers to use Master Menus, check the Master Menus box in the Provider Information Meals tab.

Error 60

An Invalid Master Menu Number was Recorded on the Scannable Menu

If a provider marks the Master Menu bubble (M) on a scannable form, they must provide a valid Mater Menu number in the lowest Fruit/Vegetable row for that meal. For more information about Master Menus, see Master Menus.

This error is generated if the number entered on that row does not correspond to a Master Menu plan in the system. It warns, disallows, or ignores the effected meals.

Error 61

A Particular Food or Type of Food was Served too Often

Sponsors can set up rules that limit the frequency with which certain foods can be served. For example, sponsors could set up a rule that cookies cannot be served more tan twice to any given child. This error is generated when these rules are violated. This error warns or disallows the child or meal in question.

The rules you set up should match the statements on your printed Food Chart. For more information about setting up food rules, see Food Rules.

Error 62

No Active Children are Enrolled for the Provider

This error is generated when a claim is processed but no child enrollments are on file. This error usually appears for new providers if their enrollment forms have not been scanned yet. To correct this error, set up the provider's children and re-process the claim.

Error 67

Provider Used Cycle Menu Outside of the Dates for Which S/He was Approved to Serve Cycle Menus

Some sponsors require their providers re-submit their cycle menus for approval on a periodic basis. You can set up cycle menu approval dates to track this. This error is generated if a provider attempts to use a Provider Cycle Menu outside o these approval dates. It warns or disallows the given meals.

Error 68

The Child is Older than the Provider's License Allows

This error is generated if a child who is too old to be claimed is claimed (based on the provider's license) as of the meal date. This is determined by the the age entered in the Oldest box in the Ages Allowed section of the Provider Information Licensing tab.

Error 69

The Child is Younger than the Provider's License Allows

This error is generated if a child who is too young to be claimed is claimed (based on the provider's license) as of the meal date. This is determined by the the age entered in the Youngest box in the Ages Allowed section of the Provider Information Licensing tab.

In some cases, this error may appear for large numbers of providers after data has been newly converted. Notify Minute Menu HX support if this happens.

Error 72

The Meal was Indicated as a Master Menu on the Scannable Form, but No Master Menu Number was Bubbled In

If a provider marks the Master Menu bubble (M) on a scannable form, they must provide a valid Mater Menu number in the lowest Fruit/Vegetable row for that meal. For more information about Master Menus, see Master Menus.

This error is generated if the provider does not enter a master menu number at all. It warns, disallows, or ignores the effected meals.

Error 73

A Cycle Menu Plan was Switched within a Week. The Same Cycle Menu Plan Must be Served Within a Single Week

Some sponsors require that Cycle Menus are followed without substitutions. This error is generated when a provider switches the Cycle Menu mid-week. This may or may not disallow the meal in question.

Error 74

A Cycle Menu Plan that was Served was the Same as the one Served During the Prior Week

Some sponsors do not allow their providers to repeat Cycle Menu plans each week. This error can be generated if a provider does repeat the same cycle menu plan. It can warn or disallow the meals in question.

Error 75

A Child was Served After the Child's Enrollment Expiration Date was Reached

All children must be re-enrolled each year. Minute Menu HX can be configured so each child has an Enrollment Expiration Date recorded in their file. This date would need to be updated each year to indicate re-enrollment. This error is generated if a child is served after their enrollment expiration date. It warns or disallows the given children from the meals in question. You can also configure this error to allow children for the entire month of expiration (instead of just the expiration date).

Enrollment expiration dates are entered in the Expiration Date box in the Child Information General tab.

Error 76

A Meal was Served in Which the Provider's Own Children Were the Only Known Children Served

Food Program rules require that a provider must serve at least one child who is not their own during a meal. This error is generated if the provider only serves their own children during a meal. It disallows the entire meal.

In some cases, a day care child may be marked in attendance at a meal with the provider's child, and the day care child is disallowed for another limit (example: the child exceeds the 2 + 1 limit for the day). The processor can be configured to look at the disallowed day care child, so the provider's own child is not disallowed since the day care child was present, or it can be configured to ignore the disallowed day care child, which would disallow the provider's own child.

Contact Minute Menu HX Support to change the way this is handled in your system.

Error 77

Two Juices were Served at the Given Meal(s)

This error is generated if a provider services two juices at a meal. A Lunch or Dinner is not creditable if both the Fruit and Vegetable meal components are juices. This error disallows the meal.

Error 78

A Juice was Served at the Given Meal(s)

Some sponsors encourage providers to serve a fruit or vegetable instead of a juice during Lunch or Dinner, since milk is already a component of the meal pattern. This error is generated when providers serve a juice at Lunch or Dinner. It warns or disallows the affected meal.

Error Codes 79-122


Error 79

The Same Dinner was Served as Lunch During the Given Day

This error can be issued if a dinner matches a lunch in a day to encourage diversity of offered foods. This error only looks at the food served—not the individual children served. This means that it still generates even if the children present at Dinner are completely different from those served at Lunch. Error 165 applies on a child-by-child basis.

This error warns or disallows the children who attended the dinner and the lunch.

Error 80

The Same Snack was Served More than Once in a Day

This error can be issued if the same snack was served to the same children more than once in a day. This error only looks at the food served—not the individual children served. Error 166 applies on a child-by-child basis.

This error warns or disallows the children who were served the same snack.

Error 81

The School/Census Poverty Percentage is Insufficient to Classify the Provider as Tier 1 for all Meals Served on Given Date(s)

A Tier 1 provider must have Tier 1 eligibility dates for Income Eligibility, School Area, or Census Area. These dates must encompass the current meal date. Otherwise, the meal will be reimbursed at a Tier 2 or Mixed Tier rate.

However, Minute Menu HX can be configure to look at multiple factors when determining provider tiering. In this case, if a provivder is Tier 1 by School or Census data, the system also examines the poverty percentage of the School or Census area. If that percentage is less than 50%, the provider is still processed at a Tier 2 or Mixed Tier rate, even if their dates do encompass the existing meal date. Some sponsors like to apply this extra level of checking.

If you see this error, you can check the poverty percentage for either the School or Census area in the Provider Information Tiering tab.

Error 82

Provider's Tier 1 Eligibility Dates are Not Valid on Given Date(s)

A Tier 1 provider must have Tier 1 eligibility dates for Income Eligibility, School Area, or Census Area. These dates must encompass the current meal date. Otherwise, the meal will be reimbursed at a Tier 2 or Mixed Tier rate.

This error is generated and the provider does not receive Tier 1 reimbursement if you have not entered a valid ending and start date in the Provider Information Tiering tab for any of the three qualifying reasons (income, census, school district).

Error 83

Child Exceeds 2 Meals & a Snack or 2 Snacks & a Meal Limit

This error is generated if a child is claimed for more than two (2) meals and one (1) snack or two (2) snacks and one (1) meal. When this error is generated, the meals are disallowed in a way that maximizes the provider's reimbursement: Snacks are disallowed before meals, and Breakfast is disallowed before Lunch or Dinner.

Some agencies encourage providers to claim all children at all meals to keep a more accurate picture of attendance and to help Providers track all their meals served for tax purposes. If your agency does this, you may see this error in large numbers.

Error 84

Provider is not Approved for Given Meal Serving

You can configure Minute Menu HX to allow providers to accurately record split shifts/servings (when a meal is served twice in a given day to two different groups of children). This is controlled by the setting you select in the Highest Meal Shift Tracked drop-down menu in the Provider Information window.

This error is generated when a provider attempts to claim a second serving of a given meal, but they are only approved for one (1) serving. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the additional shifts.

Error 85

Provider Over Capacity, but Approved for Single Column Serving Overlap on Scannable Form. Verify Provider Capacity

Minute Menu HX handles split-shift checking in two ways: Providers mark a first and second shift on scannable forms/KidKare independently, or they mark all children in capacity at both shifts, but mark only a single serving. The latter case is referred to as a single-column overlap. You must set up Overlap Capacity in the Provider Information Other tab for each split-shift meal.

This error is generated when a provider is over their Overlap Capacity. This error is always a warning.

Error 86

Provider Over Capacity, but Waiver is in Effect. Verify Capacity with Waiver

Certain states allow capacity waivers for a specific time period. This error is generated if a provider is over capacity, but one of these waivers is in effect. All over capacity errors will be allowed.

You can find the provider's current waiver status in the Provider Information Licensing tab.

Error 87

Related Children are the Only Children Served in Given Meal Serving(s) on a Holiday

The provider's own children can never be the only children present during a meal. In some states, this rule is taken further on holidays. This error is generated if the only children served are the provider's own children or related non-resident children, the meal is disallowed as well. It warns or disallows all children at the meal.

Error 88

An Other Food was Served in the Given Meal. Verify Nutritional Components

This error is generated any time a provider serves an Other food. It warns the affected meal.

Other foods are foods in your food list, such as Other Meat or Other Bread. If your agency does not have any Other foods set up, this error does not appear.

Error 89

Special Diet Statement on File for Given Child(ren) is Expired

This error is generated if a provider serves special diet food to a child whose special diet statement has expired as of the meal date. It ignores, warns, or disallows the child.

You can find the child's special date statement information in the Child Information Special tab.

Error 90

Special Needs Child(ren) was Served at the Given Meals

This error is generated for all meals at which a special needs child is served. It produces a warning. You can disable this warning message if you do not want to receive notifications that special needs children were served.

Error 91

School Aged Child Served a Meal When Child Should have Been in School

This error is generated when a school aged child is served an AM Snack or Lunch (and, in some cases, Breakfast) on a school day. This error is ignored on weekend and on any day you or the provider indicates that school was closed or the child was home sick.

Notes: School closures can be noted on the School District Calendar or Sponsor Calendar, and child illness can be noted on the Child Calendar. When you print the Claimed Foods & Attendance report, children who are out of school or sick are noted with an s or i for the given date. 

If a child has specific school days within the week (as marked in the School Attend Days section of the Child Information Schedule tab), this error is ignored on those days of the week the child does not attend school. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the affected child.

If a child is determined to be school-aged based on your state's capacity regulations, the child may be subjected to this edit check (assuming your agency performs this check). However, even if a child is assumed to be school aged from a capacity standpoint, a child is only subjected to this check if their Grade Level/School Type (Child Information Schedule tab) as follows:

  • During Lunch, these children are checked:
    • S (School Aged)
    • K (Kindergarten/All Day Kindergarten)
    • L (All Day Headstart)
  • During AM Snack (and possibly Breakfast), these children are checked:
    • S (School Aged)
    • K (Kindergarten/All Day Kindergarten)
    • L (All Day Headstart)
    • A (AM Kindergarten)
    • D (AM Headstart)

Note that this specifically excludes children designated as Year Round School, Home School, or No School. Consult the child's school designation in the Child Information Schedule tab.

Error 92

The Following Meal(s) were Disallowed by a Monitor as a Result of a Review Visit

This error is generated by each meal a Monitor disallows during a home review visit. All meals noted by the Monitor are disallowed automatically, and this error is generated for each one of them. Only those reviews conducted within the month of the claim are examined for this error.

Consult the specific review in question for more information about the disallowance.

Error 93

Monitor Recorded Different food for a Meal than was Recorded by the Provider

When you record the results of a review in Minute Menu HX, the processor cross-checks the foods observed by the Monitor with the information claimed by the provider. This error is generated when a provider claims foods that do not match those foods observed by the Monitor during a home visit review (during the claim month). This warns or disallows the affected meals.

This error cannot be generated for reviews where you do not specify foods that were observed. It is also not generated for claims where food information is not supplied, such as Attendance Menus or claims entered with the Record Full Month Attendance function.

Error 95

A Cycle Menu was Recorded, but the Cycle Does Not Include the Given Meal on the Chosen Day of Week

This error is generated if a provider marks the Master Menu bubble on their form to note that a Cycle Menu was used but does not select a Cycle Menu containing a cycle meal for the given day of the week and given meal that is being claimed.

You can review cycle menus in the Plan Sponsor Weekly Cycle Menu window or in the Provider's Cycle Menu Plan window.

Error 96

No Foods were Served but Child(ren) were in Attendance for the Given Meal(s)

This error is generated when children are marked in attendance, but no foods are marked for the given children. For non-infants, this means the provider forgot to supply foods for the given meal. For infants, it can mean the same thing, or it can mean that the provider supplied foods for an age category that was inappropriate for the age of the given child.

For example, a child turned 6 months old in the middle of the month, and the provider marked infant foods in the 0-5 months age category throughout the month. There are no foods marked in the 6-11 months category  once the child turns 6 months old, so this error is generated.

This error typically only occurs on scannable menu claims and will disallow all children in the given age group for the given meal.

Error 97-106

Provider was Over Capacity

One or a combination of these errors are generated if a provider records some combination of children that violates their license capacity, as noted in the Provider Information Licensing tab. Capacity errors can disallow the number of children that are over capacity, disallow the entire meal, issue a warning, or ignore the situation.

If a waiver is in effect, the over capacity children will be allowed.


Error 107

Provider did not Bubble-in Any Children for the First Serving of the Following Meal(s). Meal was Automatically Adjusted

Last Modified on 03/08/2019 12:31 pm CST

This error is generated if a provider uses the split serving/shift mechanism on scannable forms, but does not indicate if any children attended the first serving. It has no impact on processing, but is intended to help the provider properly fill out paperwork in the future. 

Error 109

Child File Indicates the Child Doesn't Normally Attend Day of Week

This error is generated if a child attends a meal on a day that is not marked in the Child Information Schedule tab. This error can ignore, warn or disallow the child. 

Error 110

Child File Indicates the Child Doesn't Normally Attend Given Meal

This error is generated if a child attends a meal that is not marked in their Child Information Schedule tab. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the child.

Error 111

Meal Claimed Before Provider's First Allowed Claim

Every provider has an Original CACFP Start Date in Minute Menu HX. Providers cannot submit claims before this date. However, some sponsors require an additional starting claim month before which no claims are accepted. If your agency requires this, select the claim month in the First Claim Month Allowed drop-down menu in the Provider Information General tab.

This error is generated if a claim is received prior to the first claim month allowed, or if the starting claim month is missing. It always causes a disallowance.

Error 112

Meal Claimed Before CACFP Agreement Date

Some states require that sponsors renew the agreements they have with providers on a yearly basis. To track this, enter a date in the Current CACFP Agreement Date box in the Provider Information General tab.

This error is generated if a meal is claimed before the Current CACFP Agreement Date is reached. It can warn or disallow all meals claimed on the affected days.

This error is not generated if the Current CACFP Agreement Date box is blank.

Error 113

Provider's Own Child was Claimed, but Meal Served Outside Range of Child's Tier 1 Income Eligibility Dates

Some sponsors must note income starting and ending dates for each of a provider's own children, even after they add Tier 1 Income Eligibility Dates to the provider's file. You enter these dates in the Tier 1 Start Date and Tier 1 End Date boxes in the Child Information Rules tab.

This error is generated when individual children lack Tier 1 Starting and Ending dates, or if the meal in question was served on a day outside of those date ranges. It prevents the provider's own children from being claimed/paid.

Error 114

Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's Fire Inspection Certification Expired

Some sponsors record fire inspection expiration dates for each of their providers. This error is generated if that expiration date has passed. It can warn or disallow meals served for those dates.

You can enter this expiration date in the Fire Inspection Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab.

Error 115

Meals Claimed on Dates after Provider's Health Inspection Certification Expired

Some sponsors record health inspection expiration dates for each of their providers. This error is generated if that expiration date has passed. It can warn or disallow meals served for those dates.

You can enter this expiration date in the Health Inspection Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab.

Error 116

Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's Standards Certification Expired

Some sponsors record licensing standards inspection expiration dates for each of their providers. This error is generated if that expiration date has passed. It can warn or disallow meals served for those dates.

You can enter this expiration date in the License Standards Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab.

Error 117

Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's Medical Certification Expired

Some sponsors record medical certification expiration dates for each of their providers. This error is generated if that expiration date has passed. It can warn or disallow meals served for those dates.

You can enter this expiration date in the Medical Certification Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab.

Error 118

Meals Claimed on Dates Before Provider's Preapproval Date

Some sponsors perform pre-approval visits to each of their providers. These visits are done after the original CACFP contact is signed, but before any claims can be approved for the provider. You enter pre-approval dates in the Pre-Approval Date box in the CACFP Contract Info section of the Provider Information General tab.

This error is generated for any meals claimed on dates prior to the pre-approval date.

This error is not generated if a date is not provided in the Pre-Approval Date box.

Error 119

Deleted Menu Used

This error is generated when a provider uses a pre-planned menu that they subsequently deleted. It should not typically occur, but serves primarily as an internal message. Contact Minute Menu HX Support if you receive this error.

Error 120

Child File Indicates Child Arrived After Meal was Served or Left Before Meal was Served

Some sponsors cross-check meal times with a child's enrollment schedule. This error is generated if the meal is served at a time the child's file indicates the child is not in care (based on the following: drop-off/pick-up times, weekend drop-off/pick-up times, and school departure/return times). It may warn or disallow the affected child.

Check the Child Information Schedule tab and compare the actual meal time (in the Examine Meal History window) for KidKare claims or the provider's approved meal times in the Provider Information Meals tab for paper claims (scanning or direct entry). Pay special attention to AM/PM problems.

Meal duration recorded in KidKare is assumed based on the time preferences found in the Sponsor Preferences window. For paper claims, examine the start/ending times supplied in the Provider Information Meals tab. If no end times are supplied, the duration is assumed based on the sponsor preferences.

Child school departure/return times are accounted for only if school is in session for the child on the given day (they are ignored if school is out). The system assumes school is in-session based on the child's daily school schedule and when no school out or child illness calendar information has been entered into the system.

If daily In/Out times are available (via KidKare or scannable In/Out forms), they take precedence over the child's enrollment form information.


Error 121

Meals Served Before Provider Opened or After Provider Closed

You can record open and close times for each of your providers in the Provider Information Other tab. If you do so, this error is generated when a meal is served before the provider's open time or after their close time. This can ignore, warn, or disallow the affected meal(s). If it is set to ignore, the open/close times on file are also ignored.

Note that when the open time is before the close time, overnight care is assumed. Night times are examined if enabled. Use the Examine Meal History window to look at the time a meal was served in any KidKare claim, or use the Provider Information Meals tab to review the provider's meal times for paper claims (scanning or direct entry).

Error 122

Non-Participating Child Noted for Capacity Checking, Yet Disallowed for Meals

When children are enrolled, the parent can indicate that the child is not participating in the Food Program. This is done in some states for the provider's own children. When these children are claimed, the processor notes them for capacity purposes, but they are not reimbursed as part of the Food Program.  

This error is generated to indicate that non-participating children were noted. If you see this error and you do not deal with non-participating children in any way, update the affected child's file accordingly (check the Participating in CACFP box in the Child Information Child tab).

Error Codes 123-155


Error 123

The Same Meal Date was Marked in Two Different Columns on the Scannable Forms. This Column(s) Attendance Has Been Disallowed

When filling out scannable menus, providers must supply the day to which all meals in the given column apply. In some cases, they are allowed to supply the same day more than once, such as: split servings/shifts (a meal is served more than once to different groups of children), or children in different child groups (based on the 1-32 child numbers) served in the same meals. If these exceptions do not apply to the provider, the same day cannot be marked more than once.

This error is generated when the same day is marked more than once on a scannable form. You can typically prevent this error if you correct it during the forms validation process. If you do not correct it during forms validation but still wish to correct the provider's mistake, you must first find the column where the provider made the mistake. Usually, they will have written the correct day number but bubbled the incorrect bubble. Then, re-scan the form and process the claim again.

When this error is generated, each duplication is disallowed after the first occurrence of the day.

Error 124

Meal Serving Times Not Recorded

This error is generated when other meal time checks are required, such as the processor check that compares meal times with the provider's open and close times, but a given meal lacks any time information. It warns or disallows the meal. 

Minute Menu HX can be configured to automatically assume meal times from the provider's file. If Minute Menu HX is not configured to make this assumption, this error will be generated for every scanned claim unless the scannable In/Out forms are used. 

If the provider does not have meal times noted in their file (Provider Information Meals tab), this error is generated in every case. KidKare providers always supply a meal time with their meal records, so this error should not appear on KidKare claims.

Error 125

No Attendance (In/Out) Times on File

Some sponsors must obtain daily attendance (In/Out) time information for all of their children. This error is generated if this information is cross-checked against each meal's time of serving and no time information is on file for any children on a day that meals were served. It always disallows meals for the affected day.

If you see this error, make sure that you have scanned all In/Out forms, or make sure that the provider supplied the daily attendance (In/Out) times. You can check this information in the Record Full Attendance by Child window.

Error 126

Child Claimed on Both Regular and Infant Meals

This error is generated when the same child is mistakenly marked on both the Infant Menu and Regular Menu. The child is actually processed as if they were recorded on the first of the two scanned menus without duplication, but the second menu encountered is ignored.

As a result, this error is immaterial if the child is an infant, as you scan Infant Menus first, and this error is generated because the child was also marked on the Regular Menu, which is scanned after the Infant Menu. If the child is not an infant, you must white-out the child's mark on the Infant menu and re-scan the provider's claim.

Error 127

Child Claimed on Holiday

You can use the Sponsor Calendar to set up specific holidays. Providers can then use the Child Calendar in KidKare to indicate that a child was approved to attend care on the given holiday, or they can note it on their monthly CIF, which allows you to record the information in the Child Calendar in Minute Menu HX. 

This error is generated when a child is claimed on a holiday, but when the child was not noted as approved on that holiday via the Child Calendar. It ignores, warns, or disallows the meals claimed on the holiday. It can also be set to ignore or warn children who have been noted as Present on a Holiday in the Child Calendar (while still disallowing those without Present on a Holiday noted), or it can be set to always disallow regardless of what is found on the child calendar.

Error 128

Provider is Incorporated. Own Children are not Reimbursable

Food Program rules are interpreted in some states as such that incorporated providers cannot receive reimbursement for their own children, even if they are Tier 1 by Income. This error is generated for each provider who has a Business Tax ID specified in the Provider Information General tab attempts to claim their own children (if your state enforces the Food Program this way).

Error 129

Provider Invalid Because License Missing

This error usually results when a provider has been set up improperly during a data conversion project. It is usually generated in conjunction with a larger number of other errors. 

If you see this error, go to the Provider Information Licensing tab and reset every value in it. To do so, change each value in the tab, change it back to what it should be, and then click Save. Once this is done, re-process the claim. This error and any related errors should disappear.

Error 130

No Children are Enrolled for the Given Provider

This error is generated when a claim is processed when one of the following happens:

  1. A claim is processed, but no child enrollments are on file.
  2. All child numbers marked on a scannable menu form are invalid.

Situation A typically occurs if a provider mistakenly marks the Child Group 2 or 3 bubble on every column header.

Situation B typically occurs for new providers if their enrollment forms have not yet been scanned.

You must take the appropriate actions to correct this problem, re-scan the claim, and re-process the claim.

Error 132-133

Provider was Over Capacity

One or a combination of these errors are generated if a provider records some combination of children that violates their license capacity, as noted in the Provider Information Licensing tab. Capacity errors can disallow the number of children that are over capacity, disallow the entire meal, issue a warning, or ignore the situation.

If a waiver is in effect, the over capacity children will be allowed.

Error 134

Child's Attendance Times Not Recorded

This error is generated if child attendance is being cross-checked about meal times, but the given child is missing his/her daily in/out time information when the claim is processed. This can warn or disallow the child.

Make sure you have scanned In/Out forms for this provider, or that this provider has supplied in/out times. To do so, print the In/Out Child Attendance report or the In/Out Child Attendance by Child report in Minute Menu HX. If your provider uses KidKare, you can also print the Verify In/Out Times report in KidKare (Observer Mode).

Error 135

Invalid Child Number Recorded on In/Out Form

This error is generated if you scan In/Out forms and mark a child number that does not exist. It either warns or disallows the child, but is most commonly used for informational purposes (warn).

Remember that you must scan or manually enter enrollments before you scan In/Out forms.


Error 136

Meal Time(s) were Marked with Times on More than One Column on In/Out Forms for the Same Day. The Form Day Header May Have Been Filled out Improperly

When using scannable In/Out forms, providers can supply daily meal times on those forms. If the Provider has done so in more than one column that has been marked with the same day, it may mean that the provider has filled-in the wrong day column.

This error doesn't directly cause a disallowance, but other claim errors may be generated as a result if the In/Out form was actually filled-out improperly.

Error 137

Meal Time on In/Out Form, but That Meal Wasn't Included in the Provider's Claim

This error is generated if a provider has supplied a meal time on a scannable In/Out form, but the meal itself was not scanned. This can indicate that the meal/attendance forms have been filled out improperly for a particular day, the In/Out form may be filled-out improperly, or a smudge was picked up in the scan.

Error 138

Own Children not Counted in Capacity are also not Reimbursed

In California, the provider's own children over the age of 10 do not count in capacity (except for military licenses). These children cannot be paid, even if the provider is Tier 1 Income Eligible. This error is generated if these children are claimed.

Error 139

DFS Child Claimed Outside DFS Approval Dates

Some states require a pay source be on-file for children who are paid for by a state subsidy program. This is recorded in the Pay Source box in the Child Information Special tab. If you must have this information, Minute Menu HX can be configured to allow you to set an effective date range for which the child is approved within the subsidy program.

This error is generated if a child is claimed outside of the effective date range for the subsidy program in which the child participates. It warns or disallows the child.

Error 140

Provider was Over Capacity for Non-School Aged Related Children

Provider-related children are counted with a distinct maximum capacity in New Mexico and a few other states. This error is generated if provider-related children are over capacity.

Error 141

Provider was Over Capacity for Not for Pay Children

Not-for-pay children (usually children related to the provider) are counted with a distinct maximum capacity in Georgia (and possibly other states). This error is generated if the provider's not-for-pay children are over capacity.

Children are noted as Not for Pay in the Pay Source field in the Child information Special tab.

Error 142

Provider Served Meal at Time outside of Approved Time Range

Your agency can set up providers to serve meals only within approved time ranges. You can set this up for all providers, or you can apply it to specific providers. This error is generated when a provider records a meal outside of the approved time range. It warns or disallows affected meals.

When researching this error, review the Examine Meal History window for KidKare providers, or check the Provider Information Meals tab for direct entry/scannable claim providers. Pay special attention to AM/PM discrepancies.

Error 143

Insufficient Time was Allowed Before/After this Meal and the Previous/Next Meal (Infants Ignored)

Some agencies want to ensure that meals and snacks are served within certain times of each other, typically two (2) or three (3) hours. You can configure Minute Menu HX to check minimum times between meals, based on your policies. This error is generated if a provider serves a meal too close to another meal. It warns or disallows the meal.

For providers who use scannable forms, this error checks the times entered in the Provider Information Meals tab. For providers who use KidKare and In/Out forms, the actual supplied meal times are checked instead. When researching this error, check the Examine Meal History window for KidKare claims, and check Provider Information for paper claims (direct entry or scannable claims). Pay special attention to AM/PM discrepancies.

Error 144

Meal Claimed When Monitor Noted the Provider was not Home

This error is generated if a Monitor noted a provider was not home on a review, but the provider claimed meals for this date. This is a warning. Consult the provider's review history in the Provider Reviews window.

Error 145

A 6-11 Month Old Special Diet Infant was Served on the Regular Menu. Verify Special Diet Appropriate for Table Foods

This error is generated if a child designated with a special diet is claimed on a regular men when the child is 6-11 months old. Consult the Special Diet Description box in the Child Information Special tab.

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Error 146

Private Child(ren) Claimed When no Day Care Children Present

Children with a Private Pay Source (Not for Pay) cannot be claimed when no other children are present, based on licensing regulations in Georgia and some other states. This error is generated if this is the case for your state. It is a disallowance or a warning.

Error 147

Provider Over Capacity Without Overlap

Minute Menu HX handles split-shift checking in two ways: Providers mark a first and second shift on scannable forms/KidKare independently, or they mark all children in capacity at both shifts, but mark only a single serving. The latter case is referred to as a single-column overlap. You must set up Overlap Capacity in the Provider Information Other tab for each split-shift meal.

This error is generated when overlap capacity is used, and the provider is over their normal capacity but not over their overlap capacity. This is a warning, and you can configure Minute Menu HX to ignore the situation.

Error 148

License Does Not Allow Reimbursement of Private (Not for Pay) Children

At least one license exists in Georgia that does not allow children with a Pay Source of Private (Not for Pay) to participate in the Food Program. This error is generated when one of these children is claimed by a provider on that licenses. It disallows the affected children.

Error 149

Provider was Over Capacity for Non-Related Children

In some states, children who are not related to the provider are subject to a capacity different than that of all children, including the provider's own children. This error is generated when the provider is over capacity because of non-related children.

Error 150

Monitor Noted Children Present that were Not Noted by Provider

This error was generated if a meal was reviewed during the month, and the Monitor saw children that the provider did not mark in attendance. This error is always a warning. Consult the Provider Reviews Meal tab for the appropriate review. 

This error cannot be generated unless child attendance is marked with the review in the Minute Menu HX database.

Error 151

Provider Recorded Children in Attendance Not Seen by Monitor

This error is generated if a meal was reviewed during the month, and the provider marked children in attendance that were not marked as observed by a Monitor. It can be a warning or a disallowance. Consult the Provider Reviews Meal tab for the appropriate review.

This error cannot be generated unless child attendance is marked with the review in the Minute Menu HX database.

Error 152

Helpers Children Must be Income Eligible to be Claimed

Helpers' children must be Tier 1 Income Eligible to be marked in attendance in Minnesota (and some other states). Minute Menu HX can be configured to check for this for any sponsor. If this check is enabled, any helper's child who is not marked with valid Tier 1 Income Eligibility information in the Child Information Rules tab is disallowed.

Error 153

Neither C nor LC License is in Effect for the Date, Day of Week, and Meal

The Wisconsin LC license check allows two distinct sets of meal approval and day-of-week approval schedules to be in effect for any given provider. Those distinct sets must be checked.

Record alternate meal and day-of-week approval schedules in the Provider Information Meals tab. These apply to the C check.

Record regular meal and day-of-week schedules apply to the L check. 

This error is generated when neither indicate that the provider is approved for a meal or day-of-week being claimed.

Error 154

The Migrant Child is Over 15 Years of Age

This error is generated when a migrant worker's child is claimed after the child turns 16. This always results in a disallowance.

Error 155

Children were Not Claimed but Should Have Been Based Upon Their Enrollment or Daily In/Out Time Information. Those Children are Listed Here for Information Purposes Only

This error can be generated if you have chosen to process capacity two times for each meal claimed. It is a warning message only. The first check is the normal capacity check. A second capacity check can be performed with Minute Menu HX. 

This second check assumes that children are in attendance, even if they aren't claimed at this specific meal serving, if they were claimed at other meals or servings for split shifts that day and their enrollment form data indicates that they should have been claimed at this meal.

Normally, if this second capacity check is done, you are given certain over capacity messages related to the second capacity check in the even that adding this extra children back would result in an over-capacity situation. 

This warning message also generates a list of all children that were added back to the meal—even if doing so doesn't result in over-capacity. As a result, this error is usually only enabled to assist in analyzing very specific over-capacity situations.

Error Codes 156-1000 


Error 156

A Meal was Recorded on an Infant Menu, but no Children were Recorded in Attendance

This error is generated when providers record a meal but do not mark any children in attendance. When this happens, there is little you can do about the situation, as there is no way for you to know what children actually attended the meal. This error is generated to let you and the provider know about the situation, so the provider can correct the issue going forward.

This error is only generated for scannable Infant Menu forms.

Error 157

A Monitor Noted the Provider was Over Capacity During a Home Visit

This error is generated if a review has been noted Over Capacity for a specific meal seen by the Monitor. It is always a warning message only.

Error 158

Meal was Reviewed, and No Food or Attendance Discrepancies were Found

You can configure Minute Menu HX to generate an All Clear internal warning message in the event that a Monitor saw a meal and found no problems with it. Some agencies find this useful if they perform further manual checks for their reviews, or if they want a guarantee that the review was examined when the claim was processed (for auditing purposes). This is always a warning message only.

Error 159

Special Needs Child was Claimed, but Documentation is not on File

This error is generated if a special needs child is claimed after their 13th birthday and now documentation is on file. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the child.

To indicate that documentation is on file for a special needs child, go to the Child Information Special tab, check the Medical Statement on File box, and enter an expiration date.

Error 160

Provider Claimed Prior to State Approval Date

This error is generated if a provider has not yet been approved by the State Agency. This error only applies to those agencies where Minute Menu HX receives state approval information from the State Agency.

Error 161

Child File Indicates the Child Doesn't Normally Attend Day of Week, but Days Vary is Indicated

Minute Menu HX can check a child's weekly schedule (by day of the week) and disallow or warn the child if they aren't enrolled for that day (see Error 109). You can further configure this error so that the Days Vary box (Child Information Schedule tab) can be referenced, and, if it is checked, the child can still be claimed.

This error is generated if you do not allow Minute Menu HX to reference the Days Vary box to exempt the child from individual day-of-week checks.

Error 162

Child File Indicates Child Arrived After Meal was Served or Left Before Meal was Served, but Times Vary is Indicated

Minute Menu HX can check a child’s daily hours of enrollment and disallow or warn the child if the child isn’t enrolled for a time that covers the meal (Error 120). You can configure this further so that the system references the Times Vary box (Child Information Schedule tab) and still allows the child to be claimed, even if their enrollment times don't cover the meal.

This error is generated if you do not allow Minute Menu HX to reference the Times Vary box and exempt the child from the specific time check.

Error 163

An Infant was Claimed who Does not Have the Infant Feeding Form on File

Some agencies track whether an Infant Feeding Form has been received for each infant in care. To do do this, check the Infant Feeding Form Received box in the Child Information Special tab. 

This error is generated if the Infant Feeding Form Received box is not checked for an infant.

Error 164

The Name of the Formula Offered by the Provider has Not Been Indicated in the Child's File

This error is generated if your agency requires a formula name in the Formula Offered by Provider box in the Child Information Special tab, and no formula name is provided for an infant claimed.

Error 165

The Same Meal was Served to the Child for Lunch and Dinner on the Given Day

This error is identical to Error 79, except it appears for those agencies who have configured the same dinner as lunch edit check to be child-specific (instead of applying it to all children served). In this case, only those specific children who were at both lunch and dinner are affected.

Error 166

The Same Snack was Served to the Child More Than Once in a Day

This error is identical to Error 80, except it appears for those agencies who have configured the snack edit check to be child-specific (instead of applying to all children served). In this case, only those specific children who were at both identical snacks are affected.

Error 167

All Children in the Following Age Group were Disallowed by a Monitor as a Result of a Review Visit

This error is generated when a Monitor disallows a meal for either infants or non-infants, per the Provider Reviews Meals tab. This is always a disallowance.

Error 168

No Race has Been Indicated in the Child File for the Claimed Child

This error is generated for children with no racial data on file. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the child.

Error 169

Enrollment for Child is Expiring Soon. If Enrollment Renewals are not Received Before the Expiration Date, This May Result in Loss of Reimbursement for This Child

This error is generated as a warning message, specifically for the Provider Error Letter, as a reminder to providers that they should send in updated child enrollment documentation.

Error 170

Insufficient Time was Allowed Before/After This Meal and the Previous/Next Meal for This Child (Infants not Disallowed)

Some agencies want to ensure that meals and snacks are served within certain times of each other, typically two (2) or three (3) hours. You can configure Minute Menu HX to check minimum times between meals, based on your policies. This error is generated if a provider serves a meal too close to another meal. It warns or disallows the meal. Unlike Error 143, this error is generated on a per-child basis.

For providers who use scannable forms, this error checks the times entered in the Provider Information Meals tab. For providers who use KidKare and In/Out forms, the actual supplied meal times are checked instead. When researching this error, check the Examine Meal History window for KidKare claims, and check Provider Information for paper claims (direct entry or scannable claims). Pay special attention to AM/PM discrepancies.

Error 171

Child Claimed on Weekend

Some agencies require that children who are claimed on weekends have signed In/Out forms. These agencies then document the signature in the Child Calendar.

This error is generated for any child claimed on a weekend who has not been documented in the Child Calendar. It warns or disallows the children.

Error 172

Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's CPR Certification Expired

This error is generated if meals are claimed after the provider's CPR certification expiration date has passed. You record this date in the CPR Certification Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows.

Error 173

Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's Fingerprint Certification Expired

This error is generated if meals are claimed after the provider's fingerprint expiration date has passed. You record this date in the Fingerprint Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows.

Error 174

Special Needs Statement on File for Given Child(ren) is Expired

This error is generated if a meal is claimed for a child whose special needs statement has expired as of the meal date. Using these expiration dates is optional. You can review and update these dates in the Special Needs Expiration Date box in the Child Information Special tab. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the child.

Error 175

No Water or Other Beverage was Served at a Snack. Snacks Should Include Water, Milk, or Juice

Some states require that water be served at a Snack if no other beverage is served. This error can also be generated if you require water at meals. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the affected meal.

Error 176

Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider Helper's Expiration Date

This error is generated if meals are claimed after the provider helper's expiration date. It warns or disallows affected meals. This error only applies if you track the provider helper's expiration date in the List Helpers window.

Error 177

Child Claimed When Absent

This error is generated when a child is claimed for a day/meal when a Child Not Present calendar entry exists for that day/meal.

Error 179

State Assigned ID Missing

Some agencies require that a State Assigned ID be on file for their providers. This error is generated when that ID is missing.

Error 187

Whole Grain-Rich Component not Served on Day

This error is generated if non-infant meals include a bread/grain component, but none of the recorded bread/grains were marked as whole grain-rich. It warns or disallows the affected meals. This edit check does not apply to infant meals.

The following scenarios explain when this error is generated:

  • If only one meal was served in a day and the meal did not include a grain, the error will not be generated. 
    • Example: The only meal served in a day was a snack of apples and milk. The snack did not include the grain component. The whole meal is reimbursable and this error is not generated.
  • If only one meal was served in a day and the meal did include a grain, but the grain was not marked as whole grain-rich, so this error is generated.
    • Example: A PM Snack is the only meal served. It consists of apples and crackers. The crackers were not marked whole grain-rich, so this error is generated.
  • If multiple meals were served, and the meals did not include a bread/grain, the meal with the lowest reimbursement that contained the grain component will be disallowed.
    • Example 1: Breakfast, Lunch, and PM Snack are served. Breakfast and Lunch had a grain component, but neither were marked as whole grain-rich. In this case, Breakfast is disallowed. This is because the PM Snack did not have a grain component, and Breakfast has a lower reimbursement rate than lunch.
    • Example 2: Breakfast, Lunch, and PM Snack are served. Lunch was the only meal that included a grain component, and it was not marked as whole grain-rich. Also, the provider served a meat/alternate at breakfast that day. Therefore, Lunch is the only meal that included the grain component (not marked whole grain-rich), so it is disallowed.
  • The whole grain-rich edit check runs after all other edit checks, so if a meal that included a grain was already disallowed for another reason, one of the remaining meals that contained the grain component is disallowed.
    • Example: Breakfast, Lunch, and PM Snack are served. The grain component is served at all three meals, but none are marked whole grain-rich. PM Snack was disallowed for an unrelated reason. The processor then disallows the next available meal that contained a grain component. In this case, that meal is Breakfast.
  • If the meal that was marked as whole grain-rich was disallowed for another reason, the whole grain-rich food satisfies the requirement, and another meal would not be disallowed.
    • Example: Breakfast, Lunch, and PM Snack are served. A whole grain-rich food was served at PM Snack, but it was disallowed for an unrelated reason. The whole grain-rich food served at PM Snack still satisfies the requirement. Therefore, there are no additional disallowances.

Error 188

Child Was Not Recorded in Attendance

This error is generated if a claimed child was not marked in attendance, and you have set preference S.001b to Warn or Disallow.

Error 189

Infant Previously Served Developmental Foods was not Served Solid Foods

This error is generated if preference Q.010 is set to Warn. Meals are checked starting from the first day that the infant was marked as developmentally ready at a meal in KidKare. This error is a warning only.

Error 190

A Meal was Served in Which Two or More Components May Have Been Provided by the Parent

This error is generated if preference Q.009 is set to Warn or Disallow. This error is generated an infant's file indicates that the parent supplies food and the provider recorded two or more meal components—excluding formula/breastmilk. 

Error 191

Juice Cannot be Served More Than 1x Per Day to Non-Infants

This error is generated if preference Q.011 is set to Warn or Disallow. This error is generated when a provider serves more than one meal per day that includes juice. It disallows the lowest reimbursable meal and is included on the Provider Error Letter.

Error 192

Insufficient foods served for developmentally ready infants

This error is generated if preference Q.010 is set to Disallow. Meals are checked starting from the first day that the infant was marked as developmentally ready at a meal in KidKare.  If an infant is marked as developmentally ready for solid foods and is under 6 months old, a warning will generate when the required 2 components are not served.   If an infant is marked as developmentally ready for solid foods and is 6-11 months old, meals will be disallowed when the required 3 components are not served.   

Errors 200-299

Over Capacity When Combining Split Shifts

This errors correspond to the regular over capacity errors, but are generated if a second pass of capacity checks is performed.

If enabled, these capacity checks are only performed if when a split shift is claimed. The system effectively combines the children claimed at the first serving with the second severing and then performs a capacity check on that combined meal. This is usually unnecessary if you specifically approved/disapproved a provider for a second serving in the Provider Information Meals tab. However, this edit check can be enabled if your agency wishes to perform this kind of capacity analysis.

These capacity checks can cause disallowances just like the normal capacity checks, or they can generated as warning messages only.

Errors 300-399

Over Capacity When Adding Children Not Claimed

This error is related to Error 155. These are specific capacity errors generated if the system adds back-in children who were not claimed, even though they should have been (based on their enrollment schedule).

This error may highlight those providers that are specifically under-claiming children to avoid over capacity problems. Normal capacity checks re always performed, and this check can be enabled so that it functions as a second pass of capacity checking. This error can be generated as a warning message or can be configured to disallow just the normal capacity checks.

This works as follows:

  • In all cases, the system will only assume a child is present for meals when the child has already been actively claimed for at least one meal on that day.
  • If daily in/out times for a child are present, they are examined and compared against the meal service times for each meal (or split-shift meal serving) based on the times used by the Claims Processor. The child must be in care for at least X number of minutes after the meal (or specific split-shift meal serving) starts or Y number of minutes before the meal ends to be assumed present (if not already marked). X and Y are both set to zero (0) minutes by default but can be configured on a per-meal basis, if needed.
  • If daily in/out times aren't present for the child, the system will look at the child's enrollment for information (as found in the Child Information window).
    • This system first looks at the days for which the child is enrolled. If the Days Vary box (Child Information Schedule tab) is checked, the system does not assume the child is present.
    • If there are specific drop-off and pick-up times for the child (while factoring in school depart/return times and/or weekend drop-of/pick-up times) that indicate the child should be present at a given meal based on the times used by the Claims Processor, the child is assumed present (while also accounting for minimum lengths of time needed before the meal ends and after the meal starts, as described above). If the Times Vary box is checked in the Child Information Schedule tab, the times in the child's file are ignored for this analysis.
    • If no specific enrollment times are supplied, the system reverts to the child's approved meals. In the absence of time data on split-shift meals, the system always assumes the child should be at both servings. For single-serving meals, the system assumes the child is present if they are enrolled for that meal, claimed during the day, but not claimed at that meal. School-aged children are not assumed present while at school, even if enrolled for the given meal, if school is in session that day (assumed for weekdays and school-scheduled days, unless a calendar entry indicates school is out or the child is out of of school sick).
      *A child who was only marked for one serving of a split-shift meal, but whose times support both servings, is assumed present at the other serving if the above analysis warrants it.
  • When comparing against meal times, the Claims Processor could use any of the following:
    • Actual Times of Service Recorded in KidKare: The provider enters meal service start times (for both servings in the case of split-shift meals), and the end times are computed automatically based on an assumed duration in minutes for each meal (which can be configured for each sponsor).
    • Actual Times of Service Recorded on Scannable In/Out Forms: The provider records the meal service start time on the form, and the end time is computed based on the duration (or range) of the meal as supplied on the form. In the event of a split-shift meal, the system can either assume this same time for both shifts, or it can pull from the second serving meal time, as supplied in the Provider Information Meals tab.
    • Meal Times from the Provider Information Meals Tab (or Split-Shift Serving): The system could pull just the start time and assume an end time based on a default meal duration, or it could pull both start and end times from the provider's file (if the latter is enabled for your agency).
    • Agency-Wide Times for All Claimers: The system uses a set start and end time, regardless of provider. These same start and end times are applied to both servings in the event of a split-shift meal.

For those agencies who already assume the providers' own children will be at meals while checking capacity because of other licensing issues, those children are ignored while performing this edit check.

Error 998

Manual Claim Error

This is the printed message you supplied when recording a manual claim.

Error 999

Adjustment Claim Error

This is the reason for any adjustment or change that you may have made to a claim.

Error 1000

In Order to Process Claims, You Must Activate This Provider

This error appears if you attempt to process claims for a provider who is not set to Active status. It disallows all meals and cancels claims processing.