The following Claim Management reports are available. This list is not comprehensive. To access these reports, click the Reports menu, select Claim Management, and then select the appropriate report.
Caseload Summary -
Child Mailing Labels - This works the same as the Claim List Export File, only it generates provider mailing addresses in the Avery 5160 format.
Claim Error Analysis Summary - This report provides an overview of the breadth of errors being committed by all of your providers on their claims. Each error is listed with a count of the number of times it happened overall, along with the number of providers impacted by the error.
Claim List Export -
Enrollment/Days/Meals Edit Check -
Claims Not Received -
New Claiming Providers - This report lists all providers who have sent in a claim for the first time within the date range analyzed.
Provider Claim Totals - This report report lists all provider claims and includes meal counts and other data for that claim.
Providers Not Claiming -
Claim Change Report - This report prints a list of claim changes or claim adjustments you have made to your claims.
Claim by Source - This report lists all providers who claimed and the source of their claim.
State Claim Summary Report - This report summarizes information about your entire claim (including multiple provider claims) that you usually need to fill-out state claim reports.
State Daily Meal Totals Report - This report is currently only used in Rhode Island.
Track Received Claims Info - This report lists providers for whom you've received claims.
Unsubmitted Online Provider Claims -This report lists unsubmitted claims for those providers who claim online with KidKare.
On Hold Claims -