Edit Hold Reasons

You can place both providers and claims on hold independently of each other.  If you place a claim on hold, that claim cannot be paid and is excluded from all sate claim reports/automated state claim transfer files.   Follow the steps below to create hold reasons in KidKare. 

Manage Claim Hold Reasons

When you place a claim on hold, you can set a reason for the hold for your reference (if you have configured Minute Menu HX to use hold reasons).

Adding Claim Hold Reasons

  1. From the menu to the left, click Claims then Edit Hold Reasons. The Hold Reasons window opens.

  2. Click . The Add Hold Submission Reason Code dialog box opens.

  3. Click the text box and enter the hold reason.

  4. Click Save.

Editing Claim Hold Reasons

  1. In the Edit Hold Reasons window, click the name of the reason to change. The Edit box displays.

  2. Click the hold reason box and enter new information over the existing information.

  3. Click Save.

Deleting Claim Hold Reasons

  1. In the Hold Reasons window, click next to the reason to remove.

  2. Click Yes at the Are You Sure? prompt. The reason is deleted and a confirmation prompt displays.