Direct Entry Claim Errors
Direct Entry claims refers to any claims entered by the sponsor using Record Full Month Attendance by Meal or Record Full Month Attendance by Child.
When recording disallowances for Direct Entry claims, the system automatically assigns a generic disallowance reason to the meal. Use this function to enter specific disallowance reasons. The available reasons you can apply are limited, because the claims processor applies most checks when you process your claims.
However, the disallowances you select while using this function disallow the entire meal, so all children in the specific age group (infant or non-infant) are disallowed as a result. These errors will show in the Office Error report, just as if they had been generated automatically (as is the case with KidKare claims).
Even though the name of this function specifically references Direct Entry Claims, you can use this function to apply very specific errors to scannable form claims where the specific food information isn't on the scannable form.
You cannot use this function until after you have input underlying attendance data or validated any scannable forms. If you have already processed the related claim, you must re-process it after entering disallowance reasons, as the errors supplied here will not impact the claim until you do so. For more information, see Record Full Month Attendance by Meal or Record Full Month Attendance by Child.
To enter Claim Errors for Direct Entry Claims:
From the menu to the left, click Claims then select Enter Claim Errors. The Enter Claim Errors window opens.
At the top of the window, select Direct Entry Claims to view only claims entered using the Direct Entry method.
Click the Claim Month drop down to select the claim month in which you are entering errors.
Then click the Provider drop-down menu and select the provider.
Choose if the error is for a Non-Infant or Infant meal. The correct meal calendar for the claim month loads for the selected provider.
Click the day to disallow on the calendar. The Enter Claim Errors for Selected Day appears on the right side of the screen.
Click the Select Error drop-down menu and select the error you are applying.
In the Meals Available to Disallow for Selected Day section, click the meal to which to apply the error you selected. Once you select the meal type, the screen will automatically save your selection
Click Disallow All meals on Day to bypass selecting the meals an to apply the disallowance to all meals automatically.
Removing Direct Entry Claim Errors
To remove a meal disallowance that has been manually applied to a day:
From the menu to the left, click Claims then select Enter Claim Errors. The Enter Claim Errors window opens.
At the top of the window, select Direct Entry Claims to view only claims entered using the Direct Entry method.
Click the Claim Month drop down to select the claim month in which you are entering errors.
Then click the Provider drop-down menu and select the provider.
Choose if the error is for a Non-Infant or Infant meal. The correct meal calendar for the claim month loads for the selected provider.
All meal disallowances will show on the calendar as a grey meal box. In the example below, you can see that Lunch has been disallowed.
Click on the
in the bottom right corner of the day you want to remove the disallowance for. The Error Details pop up.
Select the meal(s) you want to remove the disallowance for, then click Delete. The disallowance has been removed.
Create Custom Claim Error Messages for Manual Claims
Custom manual claim error messages are open-ended/free-form text messages you create. They appear on the Provider Error Letter and Office Error report for this claim. This step is optional, and you can record any message you like. This is useful if you use KidKare to send Provider Error Letters to providers to tell them what they did wrong on their claim, rather than sending a manual report to them. If you send your traditional error forms to the providers (which you've filled-out by hand), using this function can be redundant and unnecessary.
To record custom claim error messages:
Create a manual claim as shown in the steps above. When you successfully save it, the Enter Manual Claim Errors dialog box displays.
Select Create a Custom Claim Error Message.
Click Continue. The Add Manual Claim Error dialog box opens.
Click the Error Action drop-down menu and choose from the following:
Disallowed in Training Period
Training Period
Click the Error Description box and enter any error description or message here. This message prints on the Provider Error Letter.
Click Save.
When finished, click Close.
Enter Claim Errors for Manually Entered Claims
You can record disallowance reasons or other error messages on manually entered claims. These messages then appear on the Provider Error Letter and the Office Error report. This is useful if you use KidKare to send Provider Error Letters to providers to tell them what they did wrong on their claim, rather than sending a manual report to them. If you send your traditional error forms to the providers (which you've filled-out by hand), using this function can be redundant and unnecessary.
You can launch this function at the time you are saving a manually entered claim, or you can run it afterwards. You must have already received the manual claim before using this function.
At the same time you save the manual claim
Create a manual claim as shown in the steps above. When you successfully save it, the Enter Manual Claim Errors dialog box displays.
Select Use Enter Claim Errors for Manual Entry.
Click Continue. This is a shortcut to the Enter Claim Error page opens and is set to Manually Entered Claims automatically.
Complete the steps as show in the section below starting with Step 3.
After you enter your Manual Claim
From the menu to the left, click Claims then select Enter Claim Errors. The Enter Claim Errors window opens.
At the top of the window, select Manually Entered Claims to view only claims entered manually.
Click the Claim Month drop down to select the claim month in which you are entering errors.
- Ensure you are in the correct claim month. If you need to change it, click the Claim Month drop-down and select the claim month.
- Click the Provider drop-down menu and select the provider to whom you are applying errors.
In the Error is for drop down, select the age group to which this error applies. The correct meal calendar for the claim month loads for the selected provider.
Click on the box for the day to disallow meals on the calendar. The meals available for disallowance for that day display. Capital letters show meals that were served, lower case letters show meals with no attendance.
- To indicate the number of meals disallowed, click the box under the appropriate meal abbreviation and enter the number of affected meals.
The error can apply to one meal as shown above, or to disallow multiple meals you would enter total meals to disallow per meal type. - Click the Select Error drop-down menu and select the error you want to apply to this day.
Click the Error Action drop-down menu and select the error action. You can choose from the following:
Disallowed in Training Period
Training Period
If this error applies to a specific child, click the Child Name for Error box and enter the name of the child.
Click the Disallow All Meals on Day button to apply the error to the day you selected. Note that if you need to apply the error to more than one age group, you must repeat Steps 6-12.
Removing Manual Entry Claim Errors
To remove a meal disallowance that has been manually applied to a day:
From the menu to the left, click Claims then select Enter Claim Errors. The Enter Claim Errors window opens.
- At the top of the window, select Manually Entered Claims to view only claim errors entered for manual claims.
Click the Claim Month drop down to select the claim month in which you are entering errors.
Then click the Provider drop-down menu and select the provider.
All meal disallowances for this provider will show on the calendar as a grey meal box. In the example below, you can see that Breakfast and AM Snack on the 3rd of the month both have meals that have been disallowed.
Click on the
in the bottom right corner of the day you want to remove the disallowance for. The Error Details pop up.
Select the meal(s) you want to remove the disallowance for, then click Delete. The disallowance has been removed.
Deleting all errors at once
If you have several errors on this page that you need removed, you can click on in the top right corner of the screen and all errors for the selected claim month and provider will be removed.
Understand Manual Claim Edit Checks
When you enter a manual claim, KidKare performs a variety of edit checks that are designed to ensure the numbers you enter are consistent with CACFP regulations and with the data you currently have on-file. These edit checks are also enforced if you manually adjust a claim (regardless of the claim source).
The specific checks performed include the following:
You recorded all numbers related to the claim, including meal counts, counts of attendance (number of children claimed per-day, added up for the month), counts of participating children (number of unique children claimed throughout the month), and the number of days claimed.
Attendance is not less than the highest meal count. For example, if you recorded 100 breakfasts for 10 claimed days, then you must have had at least 10 children claimed on each of those 10 days, for a minimum of 100 attendance. The system does not allow you to enter anything smaller than that.
When computing average daily attendance (ADA), HX takes this attendance number and divides it by the days claimed. This number cannot be less than the number of participating children. For example, you can't say that you claimed 10 children a day, on average, but only nine (9) children were claimed during the month.
You did not claim any one child for more than two meals and one snack or two snacks and one meal in a day. When you enter a claim manually, this edit check is enforced on the claim as a whole, so it is impossible for you to enter claim numbers that would indicate all children were claimed throughout the month for four meals/snacks a day. This is done with two, specific mathematical checks of the numbers you entered: Breakfasts + Lunches + Dinners/2 or Breakfasts + Lunches + Dinners + Snacks/3. The total attendance cannot be any lower than the result of this equation. If it is, you've indicated that too few children were claimed, so one or more of those children would have gotten paid for a breakfast (or snack, if served) when they should have been disallowed because of the two meals/snack rule. If either of these formulas fail, you cannot save the claim until you verify that you haven't overpaid. Reduce the meal counts to solve this problem. If you under-counted the number of children claimed each day (attendance), increase the attendance to solve this problem.
The system compares the counts of participating children with the child information you have on-file. If you claimed 10 unique children as participating in the month, but only nine enrollments are on file, you receive a warning message. You can overrule this message, if needed, because your child files in Minute Menu HX may not be up-to-date. However, if you think your files are up-to-date, do not overrule this message. Instead, find the cause of the discrepancy. For example, you may have miscounted some of this provider's meal counts.
The system can also check to ensure that the number of days claimed in the month doesn't exceed what is possible. In February, for example, you can't claim 30 days. However, the system also looks at the provider's start date, termination date, and any licensing approval dates to ensure that the number of days claimed isn't more than is possible.
If the provider isn't approved to claim a particular meal and you have configured Minute Menu HX to disallow a provider from claiming a meal for which they are not approved, the system generates a message stating that the provider is not approved for the meal.
Print the Manual Claim Processing Worksheet & Manual Claim Cover Sheet
Manual Claim Processing Worksheet
The Manual Claim Processing Worksheet provides your claim reviewers and menu readers with everything they need to manually process a provider's claim. This includes licensing information, tiering information, and worksheet space to note meal counts.
To print this report:
Click the Reports menu, select Claim Forms, and click Manual Claim Processing Worksheet. The Select Provider dialog box opens.
Click the Provider drop-down menu and select the provider for whom to print the worksheet.
Click Continue. The Select Month dialog box opens.
Click the Select Month drop-down menu and select the month for which to print the worksheet.
Click Continue. The Select Child Sort Preference dialog box opens.
Select Sort By Name or Sort by Number/ID.
Click Continue. The worksheet is generated as a PDF. You can now print or export it.
Manual Claim Cover Sheet
The Manual Claim Cover Sheet is an abridged version of the Manual Claim Processing Worksheet. It should typically only be one page, though this depends on the number of children enrolled.
To print this report:
Click the Reports menu, select Claim Forms, and click Manual Claim Cover Sheet. The Select Provider dialog box opens.
Click the Provider drop-down menu and select the provider for whom to print the cover sheet.
Click Continue. The Select Month dialog box opens.
Click the Select Month drop-down menu and select the month for which to print the worksheet.
Click Continue. The Select Child Sort Preference dialog box opens.
Select Sort By Name or Sort by Number/ID.
Click Continue. The cover sheet is generated as a PDF. You can now print or export it.