List Payment History

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View Payment History

You can use the View Payment History function to review payments you have made, void payments, or re-print checks.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Payments and select List Payment History. The List Payment History window opens.

  2. Filter to the information you need to view.

    • Filter By Period: Select All Claim MonthsSelected Claim Months, or Date Range. If you choose All Claim Months, you are forced to filter by a specific provider. Also, since payment transactions can possibly include payment for claims from different months, the payments you review when filtering by a specific claim month may include money for other claim months.

    • Filter by Provider: Select All Providers or Selected Provider. If you choose Selected Provider, click the Provider drop-down menu and select the provider to view.

    • Payment Method: Select ChecksDirect DepositDeposit (money received from providers), Void, or All.

    • Reimbursement Source: If your state offers additional reimbursement funds over and beyond the level provided federally by the CACFP and you split your State and Federal provider payments, select the appropriate source here. This option only displays if your state offers supplemental funds and you pay providers separate checks for state and federal funds.

  3. Click . Payments matching the filters you set display.

  4. Click Details in the Memo column for a payment to view more information about it. The claim moth, Tier 1 and 2 meal counts, and any non-claim payment adjustments display. This information is identical to the information printed check stubs/direct deposit vouchers.  To print the Check Register Report, Click Print from this screen. 

  5. Click Re-Print in the Re-Print column to print the check again.  


Void Payments

If you void a real check or direct deposit and do not re-issue a new check/deposit for the same amount, you should also void the payment in KidKare. When you do so, the claim and/or non-claim payment adjustment records are un-marked as paid so you can re-issue payment, if needed. A record of the void remains in the system for your records.

You can void individual payments, or you can void a range of payments. See each heading below.

Voiding Individual Payments

To void a single payment:

  1. From the menu to the left, click Payments and select List Payment History. The List Payment History window opens.

  2. Set filters for the payment you need to void.

  3. Click image-png-Aug-12-2024-05-25-25-8429-PM. Payments meeting the limits you set display.

  4. Click Void next to the payment to void. The Void Payment dialog box opens.

  5. Click the Reason for Void box and enter a reason for voiding this payment. This step is optional.

  6. Check the Also Void Claim to Zero Counts box to create a claim adjustment that sets the claim counts to zero in addition to voiding this payment, if needed. This makes the provider a zero-dollar claimer and prevents you from having to take extra steps to void the claim.

  7. Click Void. A void confirmation appears. 

  8. Click Yes.

  9. The payment is now voided. You must re-issue payment for the affected claim or non-claim payment adjustment.

Voiding a Range of Payments

To void a range of payments:

  1. From the menu to the left, click Payments and select List Payment History. The List Payment History window opens.

  2. Click . The Void Payment Range window opens.

  3. Set filters for the checks to void:

    • Filter by Date: Check this box, click the Start Date and End Date boxes, and enter a date range to void.

    • Filter by Number: Check this box, click the Starting Check # and Ending Check # boxes and enter a check number range to void.

  4. Click image-png-Aug-12-2024-05-26-17-8257-PM. Payments meeting the limits you set display.

  5. Check the Select box next to each payment to void.

  6. Click the Reason for Voids box and enter a void reason. 

  7. Click Void

  8. At the Are You Sure? prompt, click Yes.

  9. The payments are now voided. You must re-issue payment for the affected claims or non-claim payment adjustments.