Mark Foods as Whole Grain-Rich

Mark all whole grain-rich foods on your food list. Foods that are marked as whole grain-rich on the food list default to whole grain-rich when providers select it on menus. However, only mark foods that are always whole grain-rich. Providers can mark any bread/alternate as whole grain-rich when the meal is recorded.

Examples of whole grain-rich foods that you can mark as whole grain-rich in the food tool:

  • Whole wheat

  • Brown rice

  • Wild rice

  • Oatmeal

  • Bulgur

  • Whole-grain corn

  • Quinoa


A provider selects tortilla as the bread/alternate item. They can indicate when recording the tortilla that it was whole grain-rich. Tortillas may or may not be whole grain-rich, so let the center indicate whether it was  when the meal was recorded. Do not mark tortillas as a whole grain-rich food in the food tool.

A provider selects brown rice as the bread/alternate item. Brown rice is always a whole grain-rich food. Mark brown rice as whole grain-rich in the food tool so that it automatically defaults as whole grain-rich when the center records the meal.

To mark a food was whole grain-rich:

  1. From the menu to the left, click Foods.

  2. Click Food List.

  3. Click Bread/Alt at the top of the page to filter to just your breads/bread alternates.

  4. Click the food you need to mark. The Edit Food page opens.

  5. In the Nutritional Information section, click  next to Whole Grain-Rich to set it to Yes.

  6. To lock the slider in the on/off position, click the lock icon. For example, you can lock the slider to Off for foods like white bread and club crackers, or you can lock it to On for foods like brown rice or whole wheat pancakes.

Providers should be trained to know how to identify whole grain-rich foods and verify that the whole grain-rich option is selected or deselected accordingly when recording the meal, regardless of how the food defaults.