The following Provider reports are available. This list is not comprehensive. To access these reports, click the Reports menu, select Providers, and then select the appropriate report.
CA Change Request - This report is specific for California Sponsors, or sponsors that operate in California along with other states.
Provider Calendar Report -
Provider Info Summary List Report - This report lists providers with certain key information, such as meal times and basic licensing information.
Provider License Expiration - This report lists all providers whose licenses/registrations/certifications expire within the date range you specify when printing the report. It specifically examines the license end date as found in the Provider Information Licensing tab.
Provider List Export File - This is a customizable report option. Use the filters to narrow down which providers you want on the report, as well as which fields you want to see on the report. This report will always export in an excel/csv format.
Provider Mailing Labels -
Provider Messages Mailing Labels -
Provider Racial Count Summary - This report provides counts of active providers, broken down by race. This is useful when preparing your annual management plan in compliance with state regulations.
Provider Training Period Report - This report lists all providers who are currently in training. These are the first months of claiming when you allow them to serve menus that don't meet USDA guidelines and still get paid for their meals. Use the Provider Filter to narrow down which providers you want to view on this report.
Providers Added Report - This report lists all providers who have been added to the system in the date range you specify. It examines the original CACFP start date listed in the Provider Information General tab.
Serious Deficiency Detail -
Serious Deficiency Export File -
Serious Deficiency List -
Tier 1 Qualifying Providers Report - This report lists all providers who are Tier 1. You can filter it to list only those providers who qualify for specific reasons (school, income, or census).