Sponsors can record meals and attendance for their providers from the Record Provider Meals page.
From the menu to the left, click Menus/Attendance then select Record Provider Meals. The Record Provider Meals screen opens.
Select whether you are entering Menus/Attendance for Non-Infants or Infants at the top of the screen.
Use the filters at the top of the screen to select the provider, day, meal, and shift you are wanting to enter.
Once the correct meal is selected, the enrolled children and menu options load.
Mark the children that were in attendance and who were served the meal. If you have 2 shifts, there are two columns to separate which shift each child was served.
To the right, complete the menu components served for the selected meal. These components can be manually selected, or you can use the
options to enter meals that you have already built into KidKare.
Once the menu and attendance details are entered, click Save.
If you are entering meals and attendance for your provider, please make sure you have the paper documents from the provider as a backup.