Reviews Reports for Sponsors

  • Projected Visit Dates Report - Select a claim month and this report will show providers and their projected review months and meals to be reviewed.  Use the filters on the report to narrow down your results.  For instance, you can pull this report for all providers under a specific monitor.

    Sample Report

  • Child Attendance Reconciliation - This report provides an analysis of a given provider over one week. It is a color coded report that shows potential claim errors for each provider in advance.  Make sure to click Print Legend Key when running this report.  The Legend Key will tell you how to read all of the data on the report.

    Sample Report

  • Children Not Seen at Review Report - This report will pull a list of children and which reviews they were not present at based on the report parameters you selected.

    Sample Report

  • Provider Claiming Special Days Report - This report will show any days that the provider claimed meals outside of their normal operating days.  

    Sample Report