Sponsor Preferences

Set Preferences & Policies

KidKare is designed to be highly customizable to meet a variety of business needs. The Sponsor Preferences window allows you to customize KidKare and control many aspects of the program, such as edit checks, user preferences, general behavior, and so on. Review your policies to ensure that KidKare is set up to meet your agency's needs and expectations.

Policies should only be changed by the main decision makers of the company and/or those with the authority to do so. Changes to policies could impact claims. You can control access to policy settings with user permissions and staff types.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Administration the Sponsor Preferences. The Sponsor Preferences window opens.

  2. Click the to expand each policy category and each line item to view the description and update the policy value.

  3. To change the policy value, use the drop down to the right of each policy.For preferences on how KidKare functions, this is typically Y or N. For claims edit checks, you can choose from the following:

    • Disallow if violated: The processor automatically deducts meals based on the edit check that was violated.  For example, if a child enrollment form has not been received, claiming that child is out of compliance with regulations. KidKare can automatically disallow reimbursement for any meal in which the child was claimed. These meals an be added back later, if needed. However, if you would disallow most of the time, choose this option.

    • Warn if violated: The error does not deduct from the reimbursement, but should be researched to ensure that proper documentation was received or that procedures were followed. These errors do show on the OER. For example, if a child noted with a special diet is served a meal and the Special Diet Statement has not been marked as received in HX, the processor notes Allow/Warn on the OER for this child's meals. This allows your staff to find out if the Special Diet Statement was received and correct the error in KidKare or disallow the meals. Note that this warning only shows when the claim is processed—not when the center is recording their claim.

    • Ignore if violated: The processor does not complete the edit check, and the error is not noted on the OER. For example, if checking to see if a child is claimed on a day or for a meal for which they are not enrolled is not a required edit check, you could set that policy to Ignore.
  4. After changes are made, scroll back to the top of the screen and click Save.