Children Reports

  • Blank Child Enrollment - This prints a blank enrollment form that you can give to guardians to manually complete. Spanish version available in some cases.  Note that this report may look different depending on which state you are in.  

    Sample Report

  • Children not Claimed - This report lists any enrolled children who were not claimed for the selected month.

    Sample Report

  • Child Roster - This report lists all children enrolled during the select month. It includes FRP counts and percentages, FRP basis, as well as basic demographic information and enrollment dates for the listed children.  

    Sample Report

  • Child Racial Counts Summary - This report provides a count of children broken down by race and ethnicity based on the month selected.
    Sample Report

  • Child IEF/Child Enrollment report (for completion by parent) - This report prints enrollment and/or income eligibility forms for selected children.  You can choose one child or multiple children.  Note that this report will pull these forms with all of the data completed based on what is in KidKare now.  The parent should only have to update the forms for any changes and add their signature.

    Sample Report

  • Verify FRP Consistent Within Family - This report lists the FRP status of any child in the same household as other children.  Use this report to verify that everyone in the same household has the same FRP, or to look for any enrollment errors within a household.

    Sample Report
  • School Age Breakfast Approval - This is a printout the center can use to have parents sign allowing any school-ages children to be served breakfast.

    Sample Report

  • Child List Export - This is a customizable report option.  Use the filters to narrow down which children you want on the report, as well as which fields you want to see on the report.  This report will always export in an excel/csv format.   Examples of reports you can pull from here: Participant Birthday List, Participant Allergies & Conditions, All Participants withdrawn between mm/dd/yyyy and mm/dd/yyyy, etc.

    Sample Report

  • Children Claimed Without Absence - This reports lists children that were claimed for the selected time frame without any absences within that time frame. 

    Sample Report