List Claims

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In This Article

Once you have created claims in KidKare via the Process Claims function or by manually entering claims, they are added to the View Claims page. Access this page to review, manage, and update claims as needed. 

View the Claims List

  1. From the menu to the left, click Claims.

  2. Select List Claims. The View Claims page opens.

  3. Set filters for the claims to view:

    1. Select the All Centers option or the Selected Center option. If you choose Selected Center, you must select a center at the top of the page.

    2. If you operate in multiple states, click the State drop-down menu and select the state(s) to view. You can also select All States.

    3. Click the Claim Month drop-down menu and select the claim month to view. You can also select All Months.

  4. Click Go. Claims matching the filters you set display.

  5. You can do the following in this window:

    • Click the link in the Month column to view the Claim Details

    • Click each column header to sort information in ascending or descending order.

    • Click Filters to customize the columns displayed on this page.


Understand Specific Columns in the List Claims Window

The following is a definition of specific columns found on the View Claims page:

  • #: This column displays the number assigned to the center who submitted the claim.

  • Center Name: This column displays the name of the center who submitted the claim.

  • Month: This column displays the claim month for which the claim was submitted.

  • License: This column displays the center's license for which the claim was submitted.

  • Details: Click View in this column to view claim details.

  • Free %/Reduced %/Paid %: These columns indicate the percentage of children on the claim who are reimbursed at Free, Reduced, or Paid rates.

  • ADA: This column lists the average daily attendance reported on the claim.

  • Total: This column lists the total dollar amount of the claim.

  • Submitted: This column indicates whether or not you've marked this claim as submitted to the state.

  • Paid: This column indicates whether the listed claim has been paid.

  • Adjusted: This column indicates whether you've made any adjustments to this claim.


View Claim Details

The Claim Details window displays detailed information about claims you have processed. This includes the claim source, totals, and rates.  You can also reprocess claims, print the Office Error Report, and adjust claim counts in this window.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Claims.

  2. Select List Claims. The View Claims page opens.

  3. Set filters for the claims to view:

    1. Select the All Centers option or the Selected Center option. If you choose Selected Center, you must select a center at the top of the page.

    2. If you operate in multiple states, click the State drop-down menu and select the state(s) to view. You can also select All States.

    3. Click the Claim Month drop-down menu and select the claim month to view. You can also select All Months.

  4. Click Go. Claims matching the filters you set display.

  5. Click the link in the Month column to open the Claim Details page for the claim to view.

  6. You can do the following in this window:

    • Reprocess the claim.

    • Delete the claim.

    • Adjust claim counts.

    • Print the Office Error Report.

    • View the Claim Summary, Claim Status,  Claim Totals, the Claim Error List.


Adjust Claim Counts

You can manually adjust claim counts on the Manually Adjust Claim page. You can add or subtract from the pre-adjustment totals. This results in a recalculation and adjustment to the claim. Adjustments made here are not specific to a particular child/class/age group.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Claims.

  2. Select List Claims. The View Claims page opens.

  3. Set filters for the claims to view:

    1. Select the All Centers option or the Selected Center option. If you choose Selected Center, you must select a center at the top of the page.

    2. If you operate in multiple states, click the State drop-down menu and select the state(s) to view. You can also select All States.

    3. Click the Claim Month drop-down menu and select the claim month to view. You can also select All Months.

  4. Click Go. Claims matching the filters you set display.

  5. Click the link in the Month column to open the Claim Details page for the claim to view.

  6. Click the Claim Actions drop-down menu and select Adjust Claim Counts. The Adjust Claim Counts page opens. The original claim totals display at the top of the page.

  7. Add adjustments for meals, attendance, and days claimed, as needed. Note that the Adjusted Meals section is updated as you make changes.

  8. Click the Reason box and enter a reason for the adjustment.

  9. Click Save. Each adjustment you make to the claim is stored in the Change Claim Log section of this page and will appear at the bottom of the Office Error Report.

Do not Re-Process or Recalculate the claim after an adjustment is made.  If you do, the adjustment will be cleared out.  This should be the very last step you take prior to submitting to the state.