Meals & Attendance Reports

This section or reports is broken up by report type to make it easier to find what you are looking for.

Table of Contents

In This Article

Attendance & Meal Count Reports

These reports collect raw data for all meals served and child attendance.  

  • In/Out Times Daily Report -This report lists all child in/out times for the selected day. It also includes meal counts for each child. If you are not entering true in/out times, it will default to the times entered on the child enrollment form.

    Sample Report

  • In/Out Times Weekly Report - This report lists all child in/out times for the selected week. It also includes meal counts for each child.  Select the first day of the week you are wanting to view. This report will only show data if you are entering true in/out times into KidKare.  

    Sample Report

  • Weekly Attendance + Meal Count Report - This report shows weekly attendance and meal counts that have been entered into KidKare by classroom.  The report will total all attendance and meal counts per classroom, per day at the bottom.

    Note that attendance for one (1) year-olds is underlined and in bold. This provides a quick visual reference as to how many children are in the one year old age group, since this age group must be served whole milk. 

    If you see a next to a child name, this means they have been withdrawn.

    If you see a R instead of an X this means an at-risk meal was served.

    A next to the child name marks children with a special diet. 

    Sample Report

  • Daily Attendance + Meal Count Report - This report shows attendance and meal counts entered into KidKare by the day.  It separates the report by classroom and gives a spot for guardians to sign or initial off on the meals served for the day (if needed). This report can be pulled for one day, or multiple days at a time.

    Sample Report

  • Center Daily Meal Count Report - This report lists the total attendance and meal counts per meal type for the date(s) selected. 

    Sample Report

  • Estimated Meal Count Summary - If you are utilizing the Estimate Attendance functionality, this report lists the estimated meal counts that were entered for a selected month.  

    Sample Report

  • Daily FRP Report - This report breaks down each day, each meal, how many meals were served, and of the meals served how many were free, reduced, or paid.  This report also gives a running total of the whole month at the bottom.  Depending on the state you are in, this may be the report you need to pull each month to enter your claims into your state site. 

    Sample Report

  • 5 Day Attendance Report - This is a 5 day reconciliation report.  In the date field, select the first day you are wanting to see.  The report will pull the day you selected along with the following 4 days.  Note that if you were closed for a day or two, this report will only show 5 days that attendance was marked.  Closed days will not be included.  In the sample below the report is pulled for Thursday4/6 and shows Thursday 4/6, Friday 4/7, Monday 4/10, Tuesday 4/11, and Wednesday 4/12.

    Sample Report


Menu Reports

These reports are for planned menus, menu calendars, menu quantities, and individual infant menu reporting.

  • Menu Production Record - This report shows each component served for each meal, the required serving by age, total attendance, menu notes, and required amount needed for all children in attendance.  Depending on how your account is setup, it can also show leftovers, estimates quantities needed (based on estimated attendance), and actual quantities served.  This report updates live as attendance and meals are served in KidKare and can be pulled for non-infants and infants. 

    Sample Report

  • Weekly Quantities Required - This report can be pulled for a week at a time and will give you a weekly quantities needed report (or a shopping list) of all foods on the menu for the week selected.  This report only generates if you have the following completed in KidKare:

    • Attendance Estimated for the week selected

    • Menus entered for the week selected

    Sample Report

  • Center Monthly Menu Plan - This is a monthly calendar that shows each meal and component that has been entered into KidKare for the selected month.  Infants and Non-Infants each have their own monthly calendar. Meals are notated by the starting letter "B" for Breakfast, "A" for AM Snack, etc. Note that if you use Menu Templates when entering your meals, the template name appears in bold and underlined font above the component list. 

    Sample Report

  • Center Weekly Menu - This is a weekly version of the Monthly Menu Plan.  Meals are highlighted in yellow along with the meal times.  This report can be printed and posted in your center every week.

    Sample Report

  • Menu Notes Report - This report will pull only menu notes entered on the daily menu screen for the month selected.  This report can be used to track substitutions from the planned menu, notate additional items served or replacement items for food allergies, track when CN labels are used, or utilized for any other need you may have.  It is an open field on the daily menu that can be used and reported on as needed. 

    Sample Report
  • Actual vs Estimate Meal Count Summary - This report compares actual meal counts with the estimated meal counts, broken down by meal.  Use this to see if you are estimating properly or over/under preparing food. 

    Sample Report

  • Infant Feeding Report - If you are using the Individual Infant Feeding functionality, this report gives each infant their own menu record.  It shows each meal served for the day, the components that were served, and how much was served. 

    Sample Report 

  • Daily Transportation Log - This is a printable transportation log that shows the meals and components for the selected dates.  Use this printable record to write down delivery times and temperatures for any meals that are transported from a central kitchen/vendor to the site. 

    Sample Report


Claimed Reports

All reports that have the word claimed in the title will reflect the raw data entered into KidKare.  This means that these reports reflect any and all meal counts/attendance marked PRIOR to the claim being processed and any disallowances being removed from claim totals.  These reports reflect exactly what was entered on the Attendance/Meal Counts screen.

To see reports that reflect total after your claim is processed, see Paid Reports in the section below.

  • Monthly Claimed Meal Count Summary - These reports list the total number of meals claimed for a selected claim month. 

    Sample Report

  • Monthly Claimed Meal Count Summary (ARAS)- These reports list the total number of meals claimed for a selected claim month. 

    Sample Report

  • Monthly Claimed Attendance Only Report - This report includes claimed attendance for the selected claim month. 

    Sample Report

  • Monthly Claimed Meal Counts by Child - This report lists claimed meal counts for a selected claim month by child. It includes totals for Free/Reduced/Paid meals, as well as At Risk Totals. 

    Sample Report

  • Monthly Claimed Meal Counts by Age Group - This report lists paid claimed counts for a selected claim month by age group. It also includes totals for each age group. 

    Sample Report



Paid Reports

All reports that have the word paid in the title will reflect the raw data entered into KidKare MINUS any disallowances that occur after the claim has been processed.  This means that these reports will match the numbers for reimbursable meals/attendance that reflect on the Claims Error Report or on your List Claims screen.

To see reports that reflect totals before your claim is processed, see Claimed Reports in the section above.

  • Monthly Paid Meal Count Summary - This report lists all paid meals for a selected claim month. It is broken down by meal type. 
    Sample Report
  • Monthly Paid Attendance Only Report - This report lists paid attendance for a selected claim month. It also includes classroom totals. 

    Sample Report

  • Monthly Paid Meal Counts by Child - This report lists paid meal counts for a selected claim month by child. It includes totals for Free/Reduced/Paid meals, as well as At Risk Totals. 

    Sample Report

  • Monthly Paid Meal Counts by Age Group - This report lists paid meal counts for a selected claim month by age group. It also includes totals for each age group. 

    Sample Report

  • Weekly Paid Attendance + Meal Counts - This report lists weekly attendance, broken down by attendance and meal. 

    Sample Report